Chapter 49: "Say or Do Next..."

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Emerald Pov

The next morning

Waking up around 9am I'm the morning I feel extremely tired and restless from yesterday's conversation with Monica I felt a little bad about it but I knew it needed to be said I'm done with the arguing bullshit about someone she knew nothing about. Walking towards her room I see that her door is wide open. Now in her bedroom I see her room cleaned out. Everything was gone but she left a note on her made up bed grabbing the note it was short and sweet saying

"You want me gone so I'm gone, I will see when you get home
Love, Monica

And that was it she was gone and I said was
"Oh well"

Walking towards the kitchen to make breakfast I hear the door knocking still in my black silk pajamas and knowing that it's too early in the morning for visitors, I wonder maybe it's Frediano I called him last night and he never called me back maybe he is here to surprise me.

Walking towards the door then opening it I should really look through the peephole because it can really be anyone.

Well it wasn't Frediano to my disappointment but it was Giovanni wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans rocking a black and blue bruise around his eye.

Remembering noticing the bruised knuckles Frediano had well I know who he hit.

"What do you want? And how did you know where I moved to? I asked Giovanni quickly already irritated by his presence

"Good morning Emerald." Giovanni said with a sweet smile

But all I kept looking at was his bruise around his eye it was huge

"I'm going to ask you again what do you want?" I asked wanting to shut the door on his face

"May I come in?" Giovanni asked

"For what do you can tell me more lies and try to ruin my relationship with your soon to be step brother?" Trying to understand his motives

"I need to talk to you about something if you let me inside."

"You have five minutes." I said finally letting him through the door

"Where's Frediano" he asked

"He just left, he will be back soon so I suggest you make it quick." Lying to Giovanni he doesn't need to know anything and hopefully he can just hurry up and leave.

"So he was over last night? He asked walking around the suite

Yes he was, what's with the questions? I asked

"May I sit down?" Giovanni asked politely

"Yeah let's sit in the living room." Showing him the way

Him sitting on the sofa and me sitting in a chair

"So how are you Emerald?"

"Good but I see that you're not." pointing to his eye

"I slipped and fell." Giovanni said

"On Frediano's fist? I said bluntly

"We had a little fight."

"A little.... whatever you didn't come here to discuss how Frediano beat your ass."

Laughing slightly Giovanni said "No I didn't but I am glad he told you about Adriana

"Yeah I'm glad he did and by the way you and your father are disgusting human beings."

"He told you about threesome I had with her and my father it was an confusing situation back then."

"Save it I truly don't want to hear nor do I care but you came here to talk about a situation that happened two years ago."

"Well yeah since he has child now with Adriana." He said

"A what, what did you just say? I said shocked

"A child, Adriana was around for weeks but just scared to tell Frediano til last week he was happy."

"Wait wait wait." I said getting up from the chair "And how exactly do you know this it's not like you and Frediano are close, and why would I believe you when your just a liar who tried to ruin my relationship with him the last time."

"I'm not lying he has a two year old son."

Walking back and forth I'm shocked again my head is spinning but he could be lying and I'm fuming about it

"Get out right now, because you're lying GET OUT!!" I said screaming at him

Getting off the sofa and into my face he tries to calm me down "Listen I know it's going to be hard to hear but it's true."

"How do you know,how do you know! I yelled

My father Joe told me this morning after Frediano's mother Elena told him last night

"Boy or Girl?"

"A boy, Adriana named him Frediano Jr."

"Frediano Jr." I said quietly

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked confused

"Because it needed to be said, but I thought he would have told you by now it's been a week since he knew about his child

"Wait didn't you just say the child was two years old, isn't it you or Joe's since you guys did have sex with her?"

"The timing of it all makes sense but no it not my child it's Frediano's he has his eyes."

"Hazel?" I asked

"Yes Joe said the boy's eyes were hazel."

Remembering the day I went to the museum with Monica, I specifically remembered a little boy bumping into me with beautiful hazel eyes just like Frediano's and the mother who pretty with dark and light blue eyes grabbed him and walked away.

"What does Adriana look like?"

"A skinny tall brunette with light blue eyes." Giovanni

"It was them at the museum." I whispered

"What?" Giovanni said

Nothing thank you for telling me I appreciate it" I said to him knowing he wasn't lying but he wasn't telling the whole truth either but it's still sincere."

"I just wanted to let you know." Giovanni said then kissing me on the cheek

Smiling slightly I walking him towards the door wanting him to leave

"I need to get dressed and get some breakfast."

"Can I wait for you in the cafe area for breakfast?" Giovanni asked

"I don't know.." I said pausing after

"Please it's not a date.... just breakfast" Giovanni said

"Sure just give me twenty minutes and I'll be down" I said smiling

Opening up the front door to let Giovanni out

To my surprise someone was already there standing on the opposite side of the door just waiting to knock. In his causal white and black suit but his looks disoriented and disheveled like a bus hit him or something

All three of us just stood there at the front door in silence, neither one us not knowing what to say or do next.....

Author's Note

Ohhh Giovanni....

So Monica's gone kind of underwhelming is she really gone...

Frediano shows up looking shocked what's going to happen next?!

Till next time!!!!

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