Chapter 27: "Fear No One But God"

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Emerald POV

After getting off the phone with Monica I was honestly a tad bit nervous about my date, who was I kidding I was a lot nervous. Yes I went out to dates in college but they were causal dates with immature men but Frediano was different way different. Even after the whole fiasco at the night club and him taking care of me,  in my purple nightgown with my purple bonnet (I love matching together) I laughed to myself talking my bonnet off and checking my head I still have a scar on the side actually five  stitches which I will always have.

Sighing I question myself why I decided to say yes hopefully he won't flake this time. After taking a quick shower I open my closet doors skim through my casual clothes and some dressy ones but find one I love a two piece red silk outfit and I have the perfect red bow tie high heels. Smiling I put my outfit on:

Putting my hair up in a high bun and adding a diamond choker and to finish it off with a black clutch purse

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Putting my hair up in a high bun and adding a diamond choker and to finish it off with a black clutch purse. Rereading the note Frediano gave me and the flowers I sadly how to throw out. Checking the time it's 7:45 pm, closing my hotel room door I head downstairs to the hotel lobby I see an old Italian man standing in the middle of the lobby in an white and black suit hold a huge sign reading "Emerald Jackson" showing a simple smile I walk up to the man and say "Hello that's me Emerald Jackson" laughing slightly pointing to the poster board. The old man looks at me wide eyed like he hasn't seen a black woman in Italy before "Come on this way" he utters walking slightly fast for his age.

Heading outside the lobby I think to myself that  today must be really a good day see the sun shining bright as hell just how I like it. Beaming from the sun I see an all black limousine as the old man opens the door for me I say thank you in Italian I head inside the limo and go to Grandopolis.

Arriving at 8:00pm on the dot the driver opens the limo door and I step out on the outside looks the restaurant looks elegant and huge on the outside I imagine what it looks like inside. Looking around from the outside the parking lot is empty I question are you sure this is the right place the man nods his head and goes inside the limo and drives off.

 Turning around I open the doors to the restaurant, I'm in awe this place is beautiful then I hear romantic music playing but it's wasn't from a CD I turn to the right and hear a small orchestra playing six of them in total three men and three wom...

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Turning around I open the doors to the restaurant, I'm in awe this place is beautiful then I hear romantic music playing but it's wasn't from a CD I turn to the right and hear a small orchestra playing six of them in total three men and three women in total all wearing white the men tuxedos and the women in dresses. I slightly smile at them I continue to walk heading up three small steps and see Frediano in an all black tuxedo looking handsome as ever he smiles widely at me showing his white pearly teeth I smile back at him.

Fear No One But GodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant