Chapter 63: "Leave Nothing Unsaid"

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Drying off with a towel after a shower Frediano's head was still hurting. It seemed like everything he tried to do or tell Emerald seemed like wasted energy. He truly liked her but nothing was working so maybe he should just stop trying. Now putting his clothes grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt Fredianos phone starts ringing on his dresser grabbing it, the call is unknown becoming suspicious he answers the phone and says hello.

"Hi Frediano..."

Hearing the person on the other end Frediano notices it's a woman's voice

"Who is this?" He questions

"Oh it's Monica I thought you'd recognized my voice by now." Monica said

It's her... Frediano thought to himself rolling his eyes wow this woman is really annoying

"How did you get this number?" He asked

"I got it from Emerald's phone. I know her password."

"So why the Fanculo are you calling me then?" Frediano said making himself cuss he was in no mood for one childish her games

Fanculo, means fuck right? Are you really cussing at me in Italian now I know a few words in your native language, Now you're going to make me regret calling you about this."

"Then what do you want Monica?" Frediano said

"Oh that's what I thought. laughing a bit, then continuing on "I wanted to tell you Emerald is coming to your house right now to make up with you."

"Why are you telling me this?" Frediano asked

"I thought you should know."

"But why though you sure enough don't like me."

"Your right I don't like you." Monica said plainly
"But Emerald likes you, I don't know why but she does I finally knew that when she had come back to the hotel she was upset crying in fact."

"Yeah I know that..." he replied back

"Let me finish she was upset I don't know what you have going on between you and your baby mother but you need to fix it."

"Nothing is going on between us."

"Yeah well I kind of know that, but Emerald doesn't, she needs reassurance she always does." Monica said sounding shallow

"Emerald doesn't need reassurance from me. I told her the truth already and she didn't believe me. And what do you mean "you kind of know that"

"Emerald told me what happened this morning, how she went over stayed in your room and overheard you and your mother talking about how you had sex with your child's mother all over her house and when she confronted you about it you said she hit you over the head with something and knocked you out. Giving him a short recap of the situation

"That still doesn't answer the question."

"I kind of believe you, her knocking you out and tying you up but what I really don't understand is you continuously give her reason not to trust you, Frediano."

"She can trust me but every time I turn around Giovanni is right there putting lies into her head about me." Frediano thinking about what happened between them the last couple weeks was bothersome.

Monica said as she hesitated to continue

"Why'd you pause say what you were going to say."
Frediano demanded his accent becoming heavier by the second

"Nothing I have to go Emerald's going to be there any minute."
Monica said quickly before hanging up.

Frediano now heading down the stairs he was curious by what Monica meant as he quietly waited for Emerald to come home.


Taking a taxi back to Frediano's house Emerald took a look outside of the car window lost in thought, she had genuine real feelings for Frediano but Giovanni had been in the back of her mind there was just something there you know,she couldn't explain maybe she was just lying to herself but confiding in Monica was good enough. Finally arriving at his house Emerald was nervous she knew she was wrong but didn't know how to express her feelings correctly.

Now knocking on his front door.
This was the time to leave nothing unsaid.

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