Chapter 31: "Yellow Tulips"

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Third Pov

(Remember Monica's nickname is Mimi)

Emerald in her hotel room

Talking to her cousin Monica on the phone Emerald couldn't help but think about Frediano and how their relationship blossomed for the past couple weeks he was so sweet and gentle to her she really liked him.
Emerald are you listening!? Monica said interrupting Emerald thoughts
"Yes I am Mimi."

"Ok then I what did I just say then.

"Uhhh...." Emerald said stuttering

"That's what I thought." she said annoyed

"Like I was saying when am I going to Italy?"
I thought we decided on the first week of August?
Yeah but I want to come sooner how about the third  week of July."

"Sure Mimi do you have everything ready including the money for the ticket?"

"Yes girl it's in my savings I've been ready for the longest time I just need to talk to my parents about it to see what they say." Monica said

Ok Emerald said quietly

Ok just ok, I thought you were happy about me coming? Monica asked

I am Emerald said loudly I just have other things on my mind.

Like what or actually who is on your mind lately? Mimi questioned

Emerald sighed "You know that guy I talked about last month, Frediano?

"Yes girl did you have sex with yet?"

Emerald didn't want to tell Monica about everything that happened in the past weeks but wanted to tell her some things.

"No Mimi I didn't, but anyway a lot problematic situations happened but I'll tell you when you get, but Frediano really took care of me and we went out on a couple dates I really have fallen for him Monica." Emerald said seriously

After a couple moments of silence on the phone.
Emerald started to get worried thinking Monica would say some negative shit about her already messy predicament.
Then suddenly
Monica became ecstatic saying "Yassss Emerald finally falling in love with somebody and shit so does he have any brothers."

Laughing Emerald said "No Mimi he does not but he does have a sister and a best friend."

"Ooh girl what's his name?" Sounding extremely interested.

"Alessandro but I don't think he likes me or black women very much."

Thinking slightly about Alessandro Emerald couldn't help but to have the feeling that Alessandro didn't like her for the fact that she was disturbing his very close relationship with Frediano.

"Fuck him!" Monica said in disgust

Knock Knock

Hearing the noise Emerald said to Monica
"Seriously fuck him though but someone is at the door pick a date of when you are coming so I can come get you bye love you."

Monica saying the same back Emerald quickly hangs up then springs up from her bed.Hearing the knocking on the door again Emerald yells "saying hold on on a minute." Looking in the mirror Emerald smiled at her cute outfit wearing a yellow sundress and having her curly hair down with her black furry slippers.

Excited to the thought it might be Frediano at the door she puts on her favorite perfume from Victoria Secret rushing a little bit to the door she opens the door she was a little shocked and puzzled.

It wasn't Frediano in his usual black and white tux obviously looking handsome in it.
But this man he looked completely he had tattoos on his body everywhere but face wearing a black tank top and blue jeans with black nike sneakers
With a beautiful bouquet of tulips in his hands

"Hi Emerald." he said pleasantly

"Hi Giovanni...."

Author's Note
134,000 reads I am so happy about this thank you guys so much I really appreciate it.

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Till next time!!!!!

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