Chapter 3 "Gallery"

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Emmy Pov 

Waking up feeling refreshed and looking at my alarm clock it was 11:00am, damn I thought I've been asleep since I've got here. 

Springing out of bed and getting ready, I have an hour to shower, brush my teeth,eat breakfast and go to the museum early . I can't wait to go finally see what Florence has to offer,now dressed wearing a white ruffled top, black jeans and short white gladiator sandals making sure I brought my camera to take pictures, hailing a taxi and heading to the most visited museum in all of Italy Uffizi Gallery.

The building was extremely tall entering the gallery it was huge inside instantly taking pictures of every sculpture and painting. My parents are going to love these I thought. It's always been my parents and I  since I was born now being away for them makes me miss them a little. 

Walking around the gallery for 2 hours I finally stop at this alluring painting it was colorful and also had different symbols all instead of taking it's picture I mesmerized it every detail of it's big frame.

Frediano pov

Alessandro finally speaking he said "Mario Geilippee the man who owed you money for the past 3 weeks said to  Shep who came to collect at his restaurant said fuck Frediano Benza told him he wasn't paying." Clenching my jaw and said to Alessandro "Oh really hmm I guess bullet in head would be better than, where is he?" Alessandro said "He is near Uffizi Gallery"

Ok I can't wait for him to say that shit to my face and give me my money. "Come on let's go I say." 

Now at the gallery I told my men to separate Dario, Shep and Alessandro to go looking for him and tell them bring him back to the warehouse. Can't have a murder scene at a place where thousands of people go to every week that would really be a problem.Walking around for 30 minutes it's beginning to be really hot outside and wearing one of my white and black tuxedos I started to sweat damn now I'm really going to kill his ass. Finally looking at Mario from a distance he's walking into the Uffizi Gallery with his son and wife. Well I thought at least his last day on earth will be a productive one and with his family too. " Hey Mario" I yelled as soon as he turns around he runs for it into the gallery leaving his family standing still and confused. UGH I thought "I hate when they run."

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