Chapter 51: Battle Wounds

ابدأ من البداية

"Why are you being like this?"

"I'm being like this because you're keeping things from me that I deserve to know about!" I raised my voice.

"It's not that easy, Lia. I can't just spill my entire life story to someone I met a few months ago." He rolls his eyes, turning his back to me.

"What did you expect? You wanted me in your life, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to go over your house all those times!" He doesn't make eye contact with me as I'm speaking. "What about when you kissed me? If this, whatever this is, progressed into a relationship, what would you have done?"

He gives me a dirty look. "Progressed into a relationship? Seriously?"

I remain silent, narrowing my eyes as he laughed at what we had in my face.

"I don't date, Lia. I've told you millions of times but then you just kept pushing and pushing to make me something that I am never going to be!"

"I never pushed you to be anyone! You're the one who kissed me! You're the one who insisted we hung out behind my best friends back!"

He scoffs, but he knows I'm right.

"Then why are you trying to put us into a relationship? Just because I fucking kissed you, you, doesn't mean we have to push for a relationship. I kiss random girls all the time!" He runs his hands through his hair. "You know what? You're just like every girl out there."

"Thanks so much, Andrew! I appreciate being called average." I shrugged, showing him that I didn't care about his insults. "But you know what? I know that I'm not like other girls. So, whatever you think you can say about me, shove it. I know what I am. Not you, or anybody else. Me."

"Congratulations on your dignity." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Thanks so much!"

"You're welcome. Because no matter how much we fight about it, I'm still not going to talk about what you saw the other day. Just want to make that clear."

"Really? Because it sure seems like you're talking about it." I ventured to the farthest corner of the closet, making sure that he couldn't be near me after I bicker with him.

Before he had a chance to say anything, I cut in. "What is she then? Is she not like the other girls? Kissing you, and then you falling into her trap? Or an undeniable connection?"

"You don't know that full story." He mumbled, but I caught it and readied my response.

He irritates me to the point where I could easily go up to him and smack his chest as hard as I could.

"I don't know the full story because YOU. ARE. NOT. TELLING. IT." I smack my hands together with each annunciated word.

"I'm not telling it because I don't want to tell it."

We've been over this before.

"Good. Fine! Don't tell me then. You've already lost me forever. So, when your run out of hoes to mess around with, don't come running to me. I don't like people who keep secrets from me."

I get even more upset when he refuses to turn around and look me in the eyes.

I finally gather up my courage from my anger and I grab his bicep, not even caring how rock hard it was, and I swung it around so that he faced me.

"And for the record, I was waiting for you last night." I dry laughed, thinking about how stupid I was that night. "I was waiting for you to come to my window and make things right, just as you did before. I even opened the window slightly so that you could come into my bedroom without making too much noise."

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