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Song Haeun PoV

My hands felt sweaty as we walked through the crowded kitchen and to the back garden, where there was less people and it was dimly lit up. I sat on the little bench, Jungkook sitting beside me.

"How was your talk with him?" He asked me, "It was fine, he apologised, and told me he was a lot more intelligent than before, and we both felt we couldn't move on with out that conversation," I told him and he nodded.

"Did he try to make a move on you?" Jungkook asked and I shook my head, "No, we're friends now, nothing romantic," I told him and he nodded. "I didn't want to talk to you about that though," I started.

"I have so much to tell you that I didn't know where to start, so I'll start from the start," I told him. "I had cut myself off from everyone else after my break up, only talking to my family and Yena. Then you texted me, and I left my room to walk with you, I even told you about him,"

"I felt so comfortable around you, even though I knew you were 'playboy'. I had just had my heart broke and yet I still wanted to speak to the boy who was known for breaking girls hearts," I chuckled a bit and he grinned fork beside me.

"I think what I'm trying to say is that," I took a deep breath, "I like you," I managed to say and looked up from my hands, Jungkook watching me with a small smiled. "You're so cute," He said and took my hand. He brought me over to sit on his knee.

"I like you too Haeun, so fucking much," He looked from my eyes to my lips as he inches closer, turning his head to the side a bit and connecting his lips with mine. I smiled into the kiss, it being short and sweet.

"Does this mean Haeun has forgiven me?" He asked me and laughed, "Yes, you were forgiven a long time time ago," I told him and he smiled widely while wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him so he could hug me properly.

"You're my girlfriend now, right?" He asked me and I chuckled, shrugging. "Do you want me to be?" I teased and he nodded his head, "Yes, fuck, yes I do," He said eagerly. I smiled and laughed at him.

We sat in each other's grasps for a little longer, just enjoying the quiet noises of some people talking and the distant music from the party. "We should go inside," I told him and he nodded. Standing up and taking my hand, bringing me through the house and to the others.

"What's this?" Taehyung asked as he looked at our interlocked hands, "What? Am I not allowed to hold hands with my girlfriend?" Jungkook joked as the others erupted into sighs of relief and many 'finally's.

"We should ditch and go get pizza, this is boring," Yoongi suggested and everyone agree, the real reason everyone came tonight was so Jungkook could make a move, or I could. Which happened.

We made our way to dominoes, I took Jimin's car with him, Yena, Taehyung and Jungkook. "Remember you sang for us?" Jimin asked and Jungkooks cheeks flushed pink, "Aw, he's embarrassed," Taehyung said and pinched his cheeks.

"Let's just eat the pizza," He said, opening the door as we climbed out. He helped me out and slammed the door on Taehyung, earning a "What the fuck?!" Screeched from him inside the locked car.

"Unlock it!" Yena slapped Jimin's arm and he pouted while unlocking it, Taehyung stepping out and giving them the middle finger before walking up beside Yoongi and Hoseok with Namjoon and Jin.

"Aw, two official couples in our group," Jin said and awed over the four of us as Yoongi spoke up. "There's three, Hoseok and I,"



Sope is real tonight lads
Thanks for reading!

Played By The Playboy// Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now