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Jeon Jungkook PoV

I got out of my car again and walked to her front door. She opened it and told me to hurry. I followed her to her room. "I'm just afraid he'll come back and shout," she said as she sat on her bed.

"He won't, if he does I'm here," I assured her and she nodded. "I'm so afraid of him, he's like a monster," She said and looked at me, "Is it my fault? Did I turn him into one?" She asked me.

"No, of course not, he was always a monster, it just took him realising he lost an amazing girl to bring it out," I said to her as I sat beside her. "I feel like it's my fault. Maybe if I went back to him he'd not be as bad?" She questioned again.

"No, Haeun, you are not going back to him, he's a dick. You could do so much better," I tried to convince her.

"I just need to lie down," She said as she crawled to the top of her bed and lay under the covers. I stood off of the bed and went to the other side, getting under the covers like she ushered me to.

"Can, can I um," She stopped herself, "What?" I asked, "Can I cuddle you?" She asked her cheeks turning a shade of pink. I chuckled and slid my arm under her waist, bringing her closer so that her head was almost on my chest.

She closed her eyes and eventually fell asleep, I ended up falling asleep just after her.

Song Haeun PoV

I woke up, fully aware of who I was wrapped around. I took my phone and opened it, watching notifications flood through from Yena and a couple of social media notifications. I looked at Yena's messages,

'Are you okay?'
'Is it him? Did he hurt you?'
'Are you and Jungkook a thing?'
'Call me when you're awake, or when you have time'

I texted her back, 'I'm fine, I'll tell you everything when Jungkook leaves'. I sent it and closed my phone, turning to Jungkook who was still fast asleep. "Jungkook," I said and poked his side.

"What?" He said groggily as he turned to completely face me. "You need to go, it's nearly noon," I told him. He sat up and furrowed his eyebrows looking around the room, taking in his surroundings.

He looked so fragile and vulnerable when he had just woken up, the complete opposite aura he gave off during the day.

"Are you okay now?" He asked me and I nodded, embarrassed that he had seen me sob twice yesterday. He stood up off of the bed and stretched, "Call me if he comes back," He told me and I nodded.

He followed me out of my house and went down to his car, driving off as I closed the door and went back up to my room, lying on my bed and calling Yena.

"Seriously?" She shouted down the FaceTime call to me, "Shut the fuck up!" I heard Yoongi in the background, followed by the sound of a slap, I figured someone had hit him for being rude.

"Yeah, I didn't know who to call, or if I should've called somebody," I told her, "So you called Jungkook?" She asked me and I nodded, "Well, I had told Jungkook about him yesterday at the park, so I figured I'd call him," She looked confused.

"He told us you hadn't told him about it," She said and I frowned, confused, "No, I had," I said as I heard the door open and close. "Oh, there he is, I'm going to question him," Yena smirked.

"Well?" She asked him as he walked through the door, still looking like he had just woken up, "Wait you stayed the night?!" She shouted, "Yeah, I texted you," I laughed at her, "I thought he'd maybe came back in the morning to check on you," She said.

I shook my head, "Anyway, Jungkook. Why'd you not tell us you knew?" Yena asked him and and I saw him shrug, "Not my place to tell you all," He said and I smiled. "Are you on FaceTime to her?" He asked Yena and she nodded, his head coming into frame a few seconds later.

"Hello princess~" He wave down the phone and I laughed, waving back at him. He sat beside Yena as she spoke with me for a little while longer, before Jimin told her he'd bring her home now.

"I have to go," She said, "Bye princess!" I heard Jungkook say I'm the back, watching him wave with a goofy smile down the phone. I smiled back and said goodbye to everyone.



I literally love when people call people they're close to princess, it's so freaking cute it makes me sob
Thanks for reading!
Let me know how you feel about this so far if you have time please!

Played By The Playboy// Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now