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Song Haeun PoV

"I'm sorry for not calling you sooner," Jisung said as we walked through the park slowly, "I didn't exactly know what I was thinking, or what I wanted to tell you," He started, I nodded.

"Then after seeing you at the party, and with that boy, I decided it was urgent for us to speak," He concluded and I agreed, "So, what do you want to speak about?" I asked him.

"First off, I would like to apologise for my actions," He started. "I was so naive back then, and you were so much more mature. I'm deeply, and truly, sorry for hurting you so much," He confessed.

I didn't know what to do. This boy who my friends and family had convinced me was the walking spawn of Satan, was swallowing his college boy pride and apologising to me, face to face.

"I thought long and hard, about how maybe we both couldn't move on with out an apology from me. It would take the guilt from my shoulders and give you closure," He motioned to me and I nodded once again, completely agreeing with what he was saying.

"I'm not asking for you back, because quite frankly, we both are better with out each other. But I am asking that we can keep it contact, You're an amazing girl and it's been hell with out you these past months, it helped me grow and realise my damage," He admitted.

"Okay," I nodded. "That's good, I thought you'd still be annoyed at me," He said, "Well, I was until today, but I agree with what you're saying. We wouldn't have fully moved on with out this talk, so I'm glad I can have this you," I told her and he nodded his head.

"Have you started dating again?" He asked me and I shook my head, "No, what about you?" I asked. He sighed, "I did, but I haven't really went near a committed relationship since us," He told me, truthfully.

The walk around the park was quiet, and not awkward as I had expected it to be. He had changed majorly, he was very intelligent, speaking in ways I hadn't heard him talk like before.

"I hope we can keep in contact," He hugged me lightly as we said good bye. Walking back to my house was nice, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt good, I felt like me again.

I needed that to realise I'm over him, we are good friends and nothing can take that, we just needed this to help us realise. It will take me a while to totally forgive him, but at least I've already started down the track.


Super short update but I wanted to get this out before I wrote anything further lmao
Thanks for reading!

Played By The Playboy// Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now