Daniel - 10

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During the past few months of experiments and training, only occasionally seeing Aleksander for a 'Hello! How are you and Steven doing?', Aleksander requested a meeting with Daniel. He didn't explain why, only that he needed to talk to him in person.

Daniel was nervously sitting on his couch waiting for Aleksander to show up when he heard a knock on his door.

"Daniel! Hello! It is Aleksander! Can I come in?" Aleksander called from outside the door. He could have come in regardless, but Aleksander was polite to a fault.

"Yeah, come on in!" Daniel said. He waved his hand and the door opened.

"Hello my friend! Long time no see! Is that the correct way of saying that?" Aleksander sat down on the couch next to Daniel.

"Yeah, that's the right way to say it, "Daniel said. He waved his hand again and the door closed.

"So what's up Aleksander?"

"Please, all my friends call me Alek."

Daniel clasped his hands over his heart, "We're friends now Alek? I've been waiting for years for you to say that!"

Aleksander looked confused for a second before realizing Daniel was making a joke. "Oh, that is a joke!" Aleksander chuckled lightly. "I was confused. Very funny!" a side of his mouth twisted slightly upward like someone with hemiplegia trying to smile.

"Sorry, apparently that was a bad joke. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you're here for Alek." Daniel said.

"Yes, Daniel. We have some things to discuss the future of our experimentation with the artifact," he said. "We have come to the next stage of the experiment."

"The 'next stage'? What does that mean?" Daniel said.

"Well," Aleksander sighed, "It is complicated, but I will stick to the easier stuff that you need to know. You understand the nature of the artifacts that we work with, correct?"

"A little bit, I guess. Most artifacts you guys have had me work with either seemed to do nothing or was extremely weird, like otherworldly shit, you know?" Daniel said.

"Exactly!" Aleksander exclaimed. "The artifacts that we have here in the Warehouse all have strange properties that we study and experiment on. Simply put, there are countless universes and dimensions that we acquire these artifacts. Sometimes they come to us through one means or another, other times we go to them."

"Okay... What does that have to do with me?" Daniel said.

"Various things. When we become aware of an artifact in an alternate universe, we have to go retrieve it, yes?" Aleksander said.

Daniel could see where this is going, "So that's why you've been training me to go be able to teleport to specific places all over the world?"

"Yes. When the Order becomes aware of artifacts that could be of use, it sends operatives to go and retrieve them and also gain intelligence about that specific universe or dimension while the operatives are there." Aleksander said.

"In other words, I'm going to be going to a different dimension to get some artifact that the order wants?" Daniel said.

"That is not 100% correct, but is close enough," Aleksander said. "You will start by going to an alternate universe. Think of it like this. You are in a neighborhood and there are houses to each side of you, right? The houses may all be shaped the same, have the same layout, all of that, but your house may be painted white while the house next door is painted more off white. A house that is blocks over will have a different layout, different paint colors, furniture, all of that. That is similar to how alternate universes are. They are very close by and similar but have subtle differences. Using the neighborhood analogy, the further away you go from your own neighborhood, the more different the houses and surroundings will be."

"And I'm going to be going into my neighbors' houses and stealing something from them without them knowing?" Daniel said.

"I would not call it stealing, but essentially yes. You will also be bringing someone with you to this alternate dimension. I wanted to wait to try this type of experiment until you both had been better trained, but my superiors have decided that you need to go as soon as possible."

"So, not only am I going to be teleporting to an alternate universe, I'm going to be bringing someone with me?"

"Unfortunately yes. It will have to be a 'trial by fire' so to speak." Aleksander frowned. "I'm sorry Daniel, there is, unfortunately, nothing I can do. I have spoken with my superiors and told them my thoughts, but they insist I have you two go through with it."

"What if something goes wrong? Will there be someone to come rescue us? If we even live." Daniel said, his thoughts racing.

Aleksander held the frown on his face, "I'm sorry, I'm not privy to that information. My superiors say that they have 'contingency plans' in place, but they have declined to tell me what that means."

"Do you even know if the artifact will work in this alternate reality?" Daniel asked.

"No, we do not, which is another reason I wanted to wait before doing this type of experiment."

"Well, that's fucking great." Daniel sighed loudly and paused for a moment. "When do we start this new experiment?"

"Tomorrow," Aleksander said while avoiding Daniel's eyes.

~ ~ ~

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