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At the end of the hallway was an object. It looked different to everyone who looked at it, and it affected everyone differently when they touched it. The Order was conducting experiments to see what the object would do to those willing. It was my turn now.

Others who touched the object had experienced various things, none of them particularly harmful as far as I know, although one participant did start to have seizures immediately after touching 'it'. Part of being accepted into the experiment was signing a non-disclosure agreement, on top of our already very strict rules for working for the Order. I am risking my life in writing this, but I feel it must be written and shared across the globe.

The object appeared to me as a silvery, oblong spheroid shape, similar to the way an egg looks. Odd, but we worked with weird shit here all the time.

I touched it, and everything disappeared around me. The weird hallway leading to the object, the building around me, even the object was gone. It felt like I was sucked into the thing, although I'm not sure.

I "arrived" in something akin to a library, books surrounding me on every side. The most astounding thing though, was that I knew what was in each of the books. Vast arrays of knowledge that no one mind should be capable of holding, seemed to be of no consequence to me. I could cure any disease. I could create things no-one thought capable for centuries. Most importantly, I knew things about the physics of this world, this dimension, that could unravel every strand of physics as we currently know them.

The majority of physicists were correct in many of their current assumptions, but those who believed in multiple dimensions and alternate realities were the closest to the truth. I knew how to create machines that would allow inter-dimensional travel that would fit in my palm.

I arrived back in my mind instantaneously. The guards around me brought me to a room with the head of the experiment. Knowing how they would use this information, I lied to them. I had become very adept at it after working for the Order for years. Some secrets needed telling, and the Order had many.

According to their experiment logs, the object only gave me a headache, but if you find these notes in my cell, you will know otherwise. I am going to attempt to escape tonight, but I hope I can rely on you to take my place if I fail. Take the notes and escape; share with the world what I have learned.

* * *

The guard aimed and shot the running woman in the head.

"We have another one. Call the cleaning crew," he said into his mic, sighing loudly. "Yes, we searched her cell and found some notes. No sir, we had them sealed in an envelope and did not read them, per your orders. Someone is on their way to you with them now."

~ ~ ~

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Touched - Order of Odium: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now