'Long story and I didn't purposely come here, I was following Khushi... And now I can't find her...'

'Brother... Stalking is bad, and you can be arrested in Italy if someone suspects your intentions...' Ved gets serious

'Aaeyy.... I was not stalking her...! I just... See I said something stupid, which hurt her and now want to apologise, but I don't know what to say and how to say... You are the Good Boy of the house so I called you... Help me...!' he whines and Ved laughs

'What did you do...?' he asked and Vansh narrated him the whole incident

'Why is that offensive...? The 'No one calls her' thing...?' Ved asks

Vansh sighs 'Her Parents abandoned her when she was 7 and her Grandparents are no more...'

Ved gasps 'Vansh you idiot !' he scolds

'I know...!'

'That was a Low Blow bro ! You must apologize...' Ved instructs

Vansh rolled his eyes 'I figured that out, Genius...! Tell me how...? And also I cannot find her...' he says looking around

'As far as I understand, if she is sad, she'll go to a place where she finds solace from the whirling thoughts in her mind...' Ved says

'She can go anywhere bro ! This place is huge !' Vansh exclaims

'No little Bro, like a unhappy child always runs to his parent, a heartbroken person will always run to God... Find a Church nearby, I am sure she will be there...' Ved says and Vansh nods

'And when you find her, apologise to her wholeheartedly, don't just say it... Mean it ! Girls know it, when you are lying...' he chuckles

'Are you sure she will forgive me...?' Vansh scratches the back of his neck

'No one can stay mad at you for long Vansh Baba...' Ved encourages him

'Thanks...' Vansh smiles

'Now Go and say sorry to her, and do call me if she says Yes...!' Ved teases

'I am not proposing...' Vansh rolls his eyes

'I wish you were... Like you knew that Deepika is the right girl for me, I have this feeling that Khushi is the one for you....' Ved says


'Vansh, It's high time to stop with the flings and look for something serious... There should be some stability in life, be it personally or professionally...' Ved says in a serious tone

'Now you sound like Papa...' Vansh chuckles

'Well there's a lot more we inherited from him, than just the looks...' Ved chuckles

'Yeah.. I can see that... Fine ! I'll call you in sometime...'

'Yep.. All the best Little bro...! Go win her... Bye Bye...' Ved laughs

'Ha ha ha... Bye...' Vansh says and takes the phone away from his ears, but before he hangs up Ved's scream boomed on the earpiece...'OH MY GOD ANNIE !' which unfortunately Vansh did not hear due to noises around him, and he hung up...

'Hmm... So if I am a girl, who is mad at her boss, which church will I go to wish for his death...?' he says while searching places on the Google...

He found Verona's Cathedral to be the nearest one near the Juliet's house, and started walking towards it with the help of the google map

As he reached there, He found the place was crowded at all, may be he was there at the odd hour..

He was stopped from entering inside and was informed that the tourists were allowed in after 5:30 p.m. as right now the Pastors were praying inside...

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