"You're right" he nodded, head still down, but more in a feeling of boredom.
Glancing up at him across the table because for some reason you expected him to say something further, he instead escaped from your gaze by getting up the refill his half full glass of water.


  Fiddling with your engagement ring which had probably left an indent on your finger by now, the music played in the background, merely a distraction to you from your inducing thoughts. A minute or so had passed of silence between you all, doing your own thing; your mother chatting away with Mrs Park who was here before you - obviously - Liz reading through a magazine, you simply gazing around like a lost puppy, and Mia - your other bridesmaid whom you'd invited here - searching through her bag for any sort of food, only coming off work with an empty stomach.

  "Here it is, Y/n and Elizabeth Y/l/n and Emilia Kim" The lady listed all your names in confirmation.
"Yep" You all confirmed.

  "Ok, we're just going to have you try this on so we can check it all fits perfectly for your special day, and the same with the bridesmaid dresses. So the fitting rooms are this way," She started towards a hall of curtained rooms and you got up, followed by the rest of the gang who tried to catch up with the zippy woman, going at a speed walking pace.

  Stopping before a free block of rooms, she turned back to you all and smiled, "Try them on and give us a shout when you're ready" She handed over the hefty dresses one by one and with the way you almost dropped down with your one dress, you wondered how she easily carried three in one arm.
You all thanked her and took your leave into the changing room.


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(Jesus I give up

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(Jesus I give up. You can change it if you want as well lol)

  "Hurry up slow poke we haven't got all day" Mia joked and Liz - also waiting outside  - started to tell her an embarrassing story about you, somehow related to the situation right now until your long awaited presence made her her mouth dropped open.

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