27: A Virgin Playboy (AU)

Start from the beginning

Halfway through the class, he received a text message. He frowned thinking who could it be. He opened it to find it from Clint. A good lad who often arranged the parties with Tony.

Dude, party at the WestBay Motel. Bring the whole group. And be there tonight at 9 sharp. -Clint

Tony gave it a thought for a minute. He had no tests for the next two days and his homework could be completed before 9. And who could ever say no to a party? With a sigh, he typed back.

Count me and the famm in! See you over there! -Tony

With that Tony switched his phone off and then lightly nudged Bruce grabbing his attention.
"Party at the WestBay Motel, tonight at 9 sharp. Clint just texted me and i just agreed. Y'all are going" Tony whispered as Bruce gave him a wtf expression.
"Tony, you do realise I'm least interested, right?" Bruce said back frustrated.
"Bruce and you do realise I'll take you anyways?" Tony gave him an innocent smile back that made Bruce let out a chuckle.
"Alright. Alright. We'll go" Bruce gave in as Tony squealed very invisibly.
"I love you" Tony said as Bruce shook his head at him.
"I hate you too" Bruce responded as Tony gave him a mock hurt expression.

"Bucky, get your ass out! The party is suppose to start at 9. It's already 8:45" Steve banged on Bucky's door.
"Calm your horses, punk! I'm just coming out!" With those words, Bucky's door flew open as he walked out looking all clean and fresh, his exotic deodorant diffusing in the air and his brown hair in a perfect quiff. He had decided to shave and was wearing black skinny jeans, black tshirt and a black jacket.
"Oh Thank God" Steve muttered walking away and out of the Barnes' residence towards the car. He was wearing a blue shirt, a tight blue jeans with a brown jacket.
"Dude, at least tell me how good do i look?" Bucky said from behind him as they both sat into the car.
"You always look good" Steve deadpanned as he roared the Chevy to life and drove them to Clint's party.

"Tony, you do realise we are reaching half an hour late to a party that Clint clearly mentioned to reach on time at, sharp!" Bruce spoke as their car finally stopped at the venue.
"He always says that to me. And you know why?" Tony smirked at Bruce as he put on his transparent specs.
"Because you love to be late or what do you call it? 'Fashionably Late'" Rhodey intervened as he drew air commas with his hands. Tony jsut smirked as they started walking in ready to make an appearance.

As they stepped in, everyone seemed to be drawn into a commotion. Everyone including Tony, who otherwise would've just passed a few of his charming smiles and would've gone to grab a drink but right now the situation at hand was different. Steve was standing there at the pool table, besides Bucky and Clint. And Tony's breath was hitched. He didn't know Steve was coming here and Steve hadn't realised Tony was there.

"Tony, they are all looking. Move your ass. You can stare at Steve later" Pepper hissed from besides him nudging him as he came out of his shock and trudged forward, very nervous suddenly.
"What's he doing over here?" Tony whispered back at them as they moved to get themselves some drinks.
"It's a goddamn party that the whole goddamn school was invited to. Of course, he can be here!" Rhodey implied.
"But, he's hardly ever at these parties!" Tony reasoned but was cut off when Clint's voice boomed in the air.

"EVERYONE! GIVE IT UP FOR OUR FOOTBALL TEAM FOR MAKING IT TO THE FINALS OF THE INTER-REGION COMPETITIONS. THIS PARTY IS DEDICATED ALL TO THEM!" Tony slapped a hand over his face. Of course, Clint would do that! His effing boyfriend just joined the team this year. And ofcourse, that's why Steve is here.

"Maybe, now that he is here, you should try and talk to him" Pepper suggested shrugging as Tony snorted.
"As if he'll even be bothered" Tony took a huge gulp and then ordered some more shots of Tequila sunrises.
"You do realise that we just got here, right Tony?" Bruce asked eyeing the tray full of shots.
"And now, i can't wait to get out of here" Tony muttered back as he took in four shots in a row.

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