I roll my eyes and give him an incredulous look. "Was I the first one to kiss you?" I smirk when he instantly blushes at the mention of that memory. "And then ignored me all of a sudden?"

"Because I thought you were mad that I kissed you."

"Since when did I get mad at you? I was annoyed but mad? Never," I kiss his pouting lips. "Hey, P'Nam told me you even followed me at the bar."

He groans and buries his face on my neck. "Remind me to slap Nam when I see her."

I laugh. "God, I almost forgot how diva you are. You know, that's one of your traits I hated but now, I just find it amusing."

He pulls from my hug and sits on the bed but since I'm a seeker for his warmth, I hug him again and lay my head on his lap and I smile as he begins to caress my hair. "Since we're talking about hates, might as well share mine too."

"You have?"

"Of course. Kong, I used to hate your laugh..." He covers my mouth when he sees me about to retort. "I hated it the first time I heard it but now, you know, I usually let you see memes which my mother sent me just so I can hear your laugh, I think you have a very cute laugh," He leans down to give me a kiss mixed in with an annoyingly loud sound of a smooch. "Okay, your turn."

"I can't believe you hated my laugh. What's wrong with my laugh?"

"I hate everyone's laugh. You should feel special I came to like yours. Anyway, don't hold everything I'll say today against me. Now, your turn."

"Okay P', I hated you for bringing up that topic about you know..." I blush.


"... You know, about that... making love thing."

He laughs out loud when he remembers what I am talking about. It was when we were in the middle of a heated make-out session, I accidentally-okay intentionally put my hand in his shirt and actually tried to feel his body wanting to feel his taut stomach but he stopped my hand and pulled my hand away.

"Kong, wait, I'm going to tell you something."

"What P'?" I tried to kiss his neck but he pulled away and pushed my head away.

"Listen to me first."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Kong, do you know that, when a person has sex with someone, they don't just share the pleasure and the passion, they also share the virus of each other, it's like they mutually transmit and receive them while in the process of doing sexual intercourse."

I gave him a 'what the fuck? are you kidding me' look. "What the hell?"

"It's the truth, Kong. I am not just scaring you."

And I, being the clean freak that I am, kept on thinking about it for a week and I almost pushed P'Arthit away when he leaned in for a kiss. We all know P'Arthit isn't very much clean with his things, so I'm scared of what kind of virus he has in him. But I love him, so I guess, along with him, I also accept everything within him. Even his virus.

But to be honest, what P'Arthit said actually scarred me for a week.

"Kong, I just told you that not because I don't want to do it with you but because we don't have to force ourselves to do it just because we're together. I know you're pressured with Aim and May being your friends but whenever both of us feel like it's the right time, then, we'll do it."

I pout. "Still, you don't have to put it that way."

"It's a scientific fact. Okay, so you hated me for saying that, now, my turn," He puts his finger under his chin and he looks like he's thinking deeply. "I hated you for being a clean freak but now, I've come to accept it."


Hearing him say these things, I realize everything about us is the opposite.

"Because you liked criticizing me where I put my socks, my shoes, and everything about me. You know I don't like it because it's as if I'm being watched. I know what I'm doing."

"I know but sometimes P', you kept on forgetting I don't like to see the mess... and I'm just telling it to you."

"You can tell it to me nicely!" He sighs when he must have realized his voice is getting louder. "Okay good, we're fighting again. You know, let's just ignore and never talk about this again." He covers his ears when he sees me opening my mouth, he probably thinks I'm going to shout as well.

But, I sit up and take his hands in mine. "We need to talk about this because if we didn't, we'll fight about this again," I kiss his hand. "I'm sorry if I sound so bossy that you feel so criticized already, that's the least that I want you to feel when you're with me," I move his hands to cup my cheeks while I still hold his hands. "I'm sorry if I'm over the top but since you've mentioned it to me now, I promise you P', I'll tell it to you as nice as I can though I know we'll still fight about this, please, let's not fight and ignore each other just because of our differences. I can't take it."

He shakes his head furiously. "Of course not love, I'm also sorry because I know you don't like it when I do those things and you might think I'm not listening to you but I do, sometimes, I'm just so exhausted because of school to follow through that's why now, I'm asking for your patience. And please don't raise your voice at me, you know I'm always emotional when tired."

I remember when I raised my voice a little when I saw him suddenly throwing his socks on the floor, I was also tired that time and seeing him doing that thing carelessly made me feel as if he wasn't listening to me those times when I told him that it's one of my pet peeves seeing people do that. He looked at me for a while and he suddenly cried. I felt so guilty at that time that even when it's close to midnight, I went outside because I thought he needed some alone time and also because I bought his favorite food and his pink milk of course and when I came back, he was sobbing on the floor.

When he saw me, he suddenly threw himself at me. "Kong, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me."

"I won't. I just thought you need some alone time, plus, I bought you your favorite food," I placed a kiss on his forehead. "Sorry P', for shouting?"

He continuously placed kisses on my face. "It's okay. It's okay Kong. I also cleaned the room while you're out."

"I know P', we're both sorry. We're both tired, I understand," I chuckle. "I thought you said you wanted us to fight so you can feel Taylor Swift songs."

There was one time when he demanded us to fight and break up for a while just so he could listen to 'We are never ever getting back together' and really felt it. I just laughed at him and kissed his pouting lips.

"Yeah, but now I don't want to. It's enough for me to listen to Tay without really relating to her songs."

"I should be thankful to Taylor Swift though, without her, we won't be together."

"As much as I love Taylor Swift, I have to disagree with you. If we really are meant to be, we can always find our way to each other and I know we are," He intertwines our hands. "I know, that in every universe out there. Every Arthit is only for Kongpob. No matter how many problems they may face, they will always find each other, like how we found each other, right?"

I give him a gentle smile and pecks his lips. "I love you P'Arthit."

"I love you too bro."

"Stop calling me bro!"

"Okay dude."

"Your parents are right. I might need a lot of patience with you."


"Don't worry, I'm more than ready to be with you and see the future with you."


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