Getaway Car

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No, nothing good starts in a getaway car
He was the best of times, the worst of crimes

"I miss Kongpob so much!"

"That's the thousandth time you told that to me Oon." Mae rolls her eyes at me and continues to do her paper works.

I am here in my Mae's office since Por had told me his evil plan, I have decided to hide here but I continued playing my loud music in case Kongpob wondered where I am.

I sniff and wipe my tears. By now, with all the tears I had poured out, I thought this is all going to stop but no, my tears are still falling every time I think of Kongpob. I really miss him, his eyes, his laugh, his smile, his everything.

"I really miss him Mae. I just want to hug him and kiss him. Ugh. I want to be with Kong."

Mae snorts. "Then, go to him. No one's stopping you."

"But Por said he's going to make sure Kongpob's father's company will go down if I stayed with Kong."

Mae stops writing, looks at me, and laughs. "You believe your Por? That douche bag is nothing but threats, he can't do it Oon, he doesn't have balls to do it. Believe me, he's not a man of words. He told me back then he's not going to leave us but where he is now? With his other family, so you see, don't take his words to your heart. He's just spitting loads of bull."

"Mae, that's an awesome logic you have there."

"You are the one complicating this. Your Por's not going to do it, I have known that man for many years to know that he may be a douche bag but he's a softy inside. You're his son, he loves you more than anyone so he will not do that," Mae stands up from her swivel chair, sits beside me, and hugs me. "Be with Kongpob instead of being here and annoying the hell out of me. I'd love to work on this without hearing you crying and shouting your boyfriend's name. Wait, is he still your boyfriend?"

What does she mean by that? Of course, Kongpob is still my boyfriend, we still haven't broken up, right?

"Of course he is."

"Shocking. With you suddenly ignoring him for three days straight, he should have broken up with you. If I were him, I wouldn't be with you."

I frown. "That's very comforting Mae."

Mae cups my cheeks. "You're very lucky to have him Oon, he's still with you even if you're so annoying. He's the only one who can deal with your craziness so don't you let go of him. Fight for him."

"Mae, you don't understand. If I fought for him, everyone around us will suffer especially his family, it's not like I'm doing this just for the fun of it. I have a reason."

"Yeah. A futile reason," She laughs again. Now I understand where did I get that thing of laughing annoyingly in wrong situations. Because I swear, Mae is taking this problem too lightly. "Oon, you're going to be a lawyer soon, not a writer so enough writing a novel of you and your boyfriend. Pull your head out of your ass, you are not in any tragic story so stop treating your life like a Shakespeare story. Be practical."

"I am being practical. If I'm not, I'd be with Kong now and not heed Por."

Mae merely shakes her head at me and for the first time ever since I bothered her, she turns to face me with an earnest look in her eyes.

"You are being unfair."

I sigh. Is it unfair that I thought of his family than what we have? Is it unfair that I am willing to sacrifice us just to cinch his family's affluent life? Is it unfair of me to hurt ourselves when its outcome will be better than having to live and be in love with each other?

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