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I yawn.

I've been yawning since I've entered the room. I can't help it, I just slept for like 3 hours.

I yawn again.


I look at Aim. "What?"

"That's your 22nd time yawning."

"You're counting?"

"Yes. I don't want to stress myself any more with the upcoming test so I'm trying to busy myself to count your yawn and it's already 22," He raises his paper with counts written on it. "Why are you so sleepy anyway? You look like someone who attended a concert last night-which by the way I remembered, it's Taylor Swift's concert last night,"

I close my eyes and yawn again. "Is that why you're sleepy then? Your neighbor cried so hard because he couldn't come to the concert?"

"Yeah. Kind of."

"May's not happy too you know and then she saw the pictures of those two guys looking very much in love with each other, she cried even more."

"Wait, where did she see the pictures?"


"Does she know who they are?"

"Nope. She said the pictures are blurry. I'm just thankful we didn't attend the concert last night."

"I thought you said you want to? You were asking me to give you tickets weeks ago."

"Yeah because I didn't know its date back then but then I realized it fell on the night before our exam. If I were there last night, I would look like a zombie-like what you are-Holy shit Kong! you attended the concert!"

I nod. There's no point in keeping it a secret anyway.

"With your-" Our classmates shushed Aim. I laugh, he deserves it. I see Aim blushing as he profusely apologizes to our classmates while I laugh at him. "So you're with your annoying neighbor?"

"P'Arthit, yes."

"You pick him over our exam? Our major exam?"

I groan. When Aim puts it that way, it seems like I'm so whipped for P'Arthit. "I... just don't want the tickets to be wasted, okay?"

"Reasons. Reasons. You could've just sold it to someone, I thought you badly need money right now?" Yeah. Why did I not think of that?

"I just don't think anyone will buy it and I'm too lazy to find a buyer."

"Or, you're really just in love with your crazy neighbor and you want to see him all happy, hugging you and thanking you because you were the reason he saw Taylor last night. I'm pretty sure he's not the only one over the moon, you are probably over the moon too seeing him very happy."

Of course, I'm happy. I just helped a citizen of Thailand. That gives me a sense of fulfillment. And it's not because I like seeing P'Arthit's lips stretched in a full-blown smile, face flushed in excitement, eyes twinkling when he stares at me, his beautiful laugh ringing in my ears-and fuck. Why am I describing him like he's this fictional character in a Rom-com book?

And I put lots of adjectives there.

Maybe I do like him?

"I don't know."

"Stop denying it."

Before I could respond, our teacher comes in. He asks us to arrange our seats and later on, gives our test papers.

Story of Us • Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن