Sparks Fly

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For the next few days, we both fell in a particular habit of him waiting for me from school holding his pink milk. We would always stay in my room, me reviewing and doing my assignments and him doing whatever he wants to;  listening to Taylor Swift, annoying me, dancing around, disorganizing my things, annoying me, singing at the top of his lungs but mostly he's just annoying the hell out of me.

I still think it's non-sense that he gets to have his wishes since he still annoys me but I would take this rather than him blasting Taylor's songs in his own room, at least with him here, although he still listens to her, it's not that loud anymore plus I get to have a tutor. Yes. P'Arthit is my tutor.

Shocking, right? P'Arthit really looks like someone who doesn't care about studying, damn he looks like he doesn't care at anything... at all. But one day, I realized how genius he is in Calculus. I mean, really really really fucking genius.

It went like this.

I was busy doing my assignment in Calculus and P'Arthit was as usual dancing around while shouting at the top of his lungs while Taylor's voice resounds in my room.

"The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm and I'm a house of cards..."

I groaned and looked at him with a glare. "Stop shouting. If I've been kicked out of here-"

"You won't. Trust me," He pointed at me as he sang the next lyrics of the song "And you stood there in front of me just close enough to touch, close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of- oh my gods I love this song so much!"

"You love all her songs."

"But this is one of the best- Kiss me on the sidewalk. Take away the pain. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile."

When I happened to stumble upon a problem that requires a long solution. I decided to stop and rest for a while so I put the pencil on the table and turned my swivel chair around only to see him doing a headbang as he jumped up and down on my bed while he played the guitar using a pen which he also used as his microphone.

Damn. He's so hyper, I think it's because of the sweets he drinks every single day. His energy is through the roof. "Don't you have something to do rather than shouting?"


"Are you really studying though?"

I still don't know what course is he taking but then he said when he 'was' in college. What does that mean?


"I don't see you reviewing nor doing any of your assignments." Heck, I have never seen him pick up a book ever.

"I've done it all."

"That fast? Or are you really not studying?"

"I am studying."

"I don't believe you."

"Then, don't." He jumped down from the bed but when he almost stumbled down, I was so fast to stand up from my seat and balanced him. I think I just snapped some of my bones because of how fast I ran from my spot just to catch him.

"P', be careful, will you?"

"Nice reflex." He patted my shoulder and pulled away from me. He stood in front of my table and examined the problem I left for a minute then he snorted. "Oh. This is just Calculus, this is so easy."

"Easy? You are bullshitting me. I doubt you even know this," The last time he corrected me was probably just luck. "I don't even see you doing your own assignments."

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