Everything Has Changed

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All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before

One week after I realized I'm in love with P'Arthit, I began to notice every little detail about him that I haven't noticed before.

I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now

Like how fucking weird he is because you see, he doesn't like eating green peas but he insists he loves seeing it so what he does is he orders food with green peas, looks at it for minutes then gives them to me to eat it. The first time this happened, I almost kicked him into next week. I don't fancy eating green peas too but he just has to give it to me. He should be grateful I'm eating it for him because I want to see him giving me his sweet smile after I'm done eating the green peas.

Not only he is weird but he also loves to annoy me. There are times when he just suddenly asks for piggyback rides in the middle of nowhere and he clings way too much. And he loves crying in pretend, but sometimes, I don't know if he really is crying or pretending anymore.

He is a genius, not only in Calculus but in everything.

He likes biting his lower lip especially if he's on the verge of laughing. The corner of his lip curls before he says something sarcastic.

And the worst thing? He has sensitive ears and he wants no one, I mean NO ONE, not even me, to touch it. There will be a punishment to face and it's not a good punishment.

Trust me, I have learned my lesson when I 'accidentally' touched it one day.

I was reading a novel that day. He was beside me strumming his guitar while singing a song.

"'Cause all I know is we said hello. And your eyes look like coming home. All I know is a simple name, everything has changed."

I happened to look at his ear and saw that he got a piercing. It looks cool.

"Hey, I love your piercing." I touched his piercing but then he suddenly glared at me so I was about to pull my hand from him but he swatted my hand. Then, he bit me. Yeah, he fucking bit my shoulder.

"Why did you bite me?!"

I felt like I just got my vaccination.

"Why did you touch my ear?!"

The hell is wrong with him? Am I really in love with him? The hell? Just hell.

"Are you a dog?!"

"Don't touch my ears!"

So lesson learned. Don't touch his ears... oh and his eyebrows also.

He is only serious when he's asleep. Really, all he wants is to have fun all day long but beneath those smiles and laughs, I'm sure he has a problem.

But all those things don't make me annoyed, in fact, it makes me more amused with him. Am I crazy? Yeah. I'm crazy.

"Aim, am I crazy?" I asked Aim one day because what I'm feeling for P'Arthit is not normal anymore.

"You just noticed now?"

"I'm serious."

"As I am."

"No really, I can't believe I'm in love with him. He's-he's out of this world crazy, he's a force to be reckoned with. I can't understand him sometimes."

Story of Us • CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora