The Todoroki household.

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Touya: if that motherfucker doesn't stop screaming at Natsu, so god helps me!!

Izuku: I'm gonna add my mom, she wanna talk to you Todorokies.

Izuku adds the pure mother to the chat.

The pure mother: look Touya don't murder your father, as much as I want that trash to die but believe me when I say this, he could change! So all you need to do is just call this therapist he will help you out, He helped out one of my friends he is a good therapist, give him time but he will change once someone breaks his pride and his wrong beliefs and behavior.

Touya: are you sure that shit can change? Because I'm sick of it. Like really sick, it's about time we do something about that shit rag.

Inko: try this if it doesn't work then all you have to do is send him to jail. And make sure to make me updated, let me talk to your mom bring me her number? I wanna help!

Izuku: already got her number! The last time I visited her I took her number.

Shouto: I hit him hard in his nick he finally fainted, Let's go give him to the therapist, Natsu-nii is helping.

Touya: on ma way.

One month later.

Izuku: come on! Harry up. Where is Touya?

Mina: he is with me! Let's go.

Kaminari: believe it or not Todoroki fucking Enji is kind of decent he tried to smile, he apologized, he talked and listened to us respectfully, he even promised to be a better person! I'm shocked!!!!

Inko: yeah Chris has that effect with people he makes them better in a short time.

Mei: but he has a long journey to be even better and make it up to his family.

Shigaraki: yeah he does, let's just give him more months before we go visit him again.

Touya: Mina thanks for staying with me, all of you guys also thank you for what you have done for me.

Mina: yas! Now my debt is gone!! From the time you helped with my dad.

Izuku: so you helped him out because of the debt? Lol Mina you savage!!


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