omake: Why did you lick the blood?!

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Earphone jack: I love Connor, I love him so much I can even kill for him.

Glitter king: Hank deserves to live, every time I choose -O- just to save him.

Glitter king: btw I heard there was a hacking war going on between Ashido and Mei who won?

Ashido: we haven't finished yet It's gonna take a few months and then the result will come out.

Earphone jack: Sluuurp.

Dadzawa: what did you just lick?

Earphone jack: Blood.

Dadzawa: why did you lick blood?!

Earphone jack: to analyze it, and to know who was the killer.

Earphone jack: Detroit become human is the best game ever and if anyone thinks otherwise they can kill me.

Ashido: how about they kill me instead?

Cinamon roll: Nah me?

Earphone Jack: if anyone touches Connor I'm gonna kill them.

Glitter king: if anyone touches hank I'm gonna murder everyone they love and then themselves. Long live Detroit become human, yes!!!

TBC ♥️

Midoriya's mistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon