Pranking time pt. 1!!

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Chisaki: so when you throw hot burning water at someone they aren't meant to survive right?

Cinamon roll: ujsbsussb! Who did you throw hot burning water at?!!

All for none: all might, and then Dabi took one of his sport cars and used it for racing, Kurogiri filled his work office with candy lots and lots of candy!

Cinnamon roll: I might regret asking this question, but what else did you guys do??

Shigaraki: I designed his rooms to be for babies made them more colorful and put on one of the walls wallpaper with teddy bears and the other one I drew Scary bloodied Crowns (he is afraid of clowns.

All might: :) I give up.

Aizawa: me too.

Shinsou: me three, I went with Dabi to the race, no let me correct this, the mother fucker pulled me with him I'm praying for my life pls send help. He is Driving fast.

Dabi: hello y'll.

Anger king: Shinsou you okay??

Shinsou: yeah it's not like the mother fucker is playing with his phone and talking to me and driving with a 400 speed or anything, it's not like I'm thinking about what church you guys will pray for me in.

Chisaki: I burned his bed and pillow.

Kaminari: by his, you mean All-mighty chan?

Chisaki: yup!

All might: I'm going to bury myself.

Shinsou: take me with I will be good I promise. And this Dabi person I don't know him anymore.

Todoroki: Y'all Our cinnamon roll threw cold water at shiityEnji.

Cinnamon roll: Well who wants to prank Todoroki Enji??

Iida: I have a pranking degree count me in!

Kurogiri: the LOV also are in.

Uraraka: us too. All of the other classes!!

Dabi: I love you guys, but does anyone wants to help me? I twisted my hand.

Everyone in this chat has logged off.

Dabi: I still love you!

TBC ♥️

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