Chapter 16 Part 1: Birthday Circus

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"Love that is beautiful," Tay complimented, pulling my wrist to her for closer inspection. Force and Darryl walked over; taking quick looks at my bracelet. Joe came up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Bruh, you making us look bad," Darryl joked, wrapping his arms around Tay's waist from behind. I didn't miss the little blush that appeared when he kissed her cheek. I would definitely need to get the full story later.

"Right," Force agreed.

"Nuh uh don't agree with that bs," Sparkle scolded. "Ya'll can do the same thing. No one's stopping ya asses from buying us nice things."

"Wifey said it's not about material things," Darryl defended. Taylor rolled her eyes at being called wifey but didn't correct him.

Joe and I stood back watching them bicker. It was actually pretty funny. Darryl and Sparkle going back and forth defending each side. Force knew better than to say anything else so he was standing quietly next Sparkle with his arm around her shoulder, laughing here and there. Knowing Taylor, she couldn't care less. She looked like she was in her own world with a satisfied smile on her face.

"I'm guessing you like your gifts," Joe said, stepping back some more, away from the others.

"I love my gifts." I fisted his shirt pulling him down for kiss. "Can we go to the car real quick?" I gave him another kiss. I almost didn't want to stop.

"You left something?" I shook my head. "Words Elle."

"I want more happy time," I pouted. Joe laughed heartily while shaking his head at me.

"Nah Baby not right now."


"When we get home," he promised. "Introduce me to more of your family."

Taking his hand, I led Joe around the club introducing him to my cousins and family friends who showed up. Most people came for the free food and drinks but that was fine with me. Especially, if they brought a gift. I usually spent my birthday with Tay or had date night but I thought I deserved something special since it's been a rough year.

It was awkward but my cousins were nice to Joe. They were probably confused; considering they met my husband in July and now my friend in November but luckily nobody said anything rude.

"Do you look like your sister?" Joe randomly asked as we walked away from more people. I shrugged, thinking about his question.

"I guess. Why?" he pointed in the direction of the door. Sure enough, Michelle was walking towards me. She did not look like she wanted to be here and I didn't invite her. She gave me a stiff one-arm hug and mumbled happy birthday when she got close.

"Mommy told me I had to come," Michelle said, crossing her arms.

"Aren't you grown?" I asked.

"Don't start with me lil' girl."

"Michy you can leav­-"

"Happy birthday boo!" Trichelle interrupted throwing her arms around me. "No fighting on your day. Plus, you look too cute to frown." I squeezed my baby sister tightly rocking back and forth. I missed her so much.

When we pulled away I saw that she brought a date...Dr. Brooks. Oh no. I waved politely. "Does mommy and daddy know," I began to say before Trich smiled and held her finger in front of her lips shushing me.

"Where is she?" Ty yelled rushing towards me. I couldn't move fast enough. He grabbed me up and haphazardly swung me.

"Ty stop," I pleaded, feeling nauseous. "Stop!"

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