D3 review part 2

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So here's part 2 there's more to talk about with this movie.

Haley: Aurdey as we said is the worst thing in the movie. Because of how perdicatly her becoming an villian was. By the picture linked alone we knew how she would become evil becuse she's an mean girl so she just needs to become an villian or that's what the writers thought. We honestly wanted to give Aurdey an fair shot in our story so that's why we had Aurdey kidnapped by one of the main villians and gets possessed by Maleficent. Her becoming evil doesn't come out no where. We see her losing everything she had and how heart broken she is. And instead of comforting Aurdey becuse of how hurt she is, her grandmother makes her feel alot worse. Her grandmother won't even comfort her like an actual caring grandmother would do. So I felt bad for her there. But her being the main villain just didn't fit D3 when it clearly should of been Hades. She does play an villain very well but it shouldn't of been the main villain.

Me: But that's not the worst of Aurdey in this film but will get into that way later.

Me: So all the characters for the most part were great. Not excatly the character arc we wanted Mal to take but it's still an conflicting one for her. Evie in one Kiss was just to funny I mean Mal and Uma ship Doug and evie it's just hillouse. Jay dosen't feel like he had any character development expect going on an epic road trip with Gil. Harry was good and even had an emtional moment where were he looks Ben straight in the eye and accuses him of thrown them back in the isle. You can see the pain in his eyes. Even though we didn't get to see too much of the new VK'S I really enjoyed them especially Celia.

Haley: Now too get an little serious. This was Camroen Boyc very last film and Carlos in this film had so many great moments. He's relationship with Jane was very endering and how he cares about Jane's brithday and he didn't forget. The way he heals Ben was one of Carols best moments in the series and I'm happy it went to Carlos. but when Carlos is turned into an staute it brings up real life and it's an little hard to watch. But Carlos was great in this film and different brought engrey to the film.

Me: The best part and Character in the movie for us that was constant was the one and only UMA !

I mean it when she was on screen I had an smile on my face when we finnaly see her again. She's giving alot of screen this time which I was happy for. 40 mintues in and when she finnaly showed up we cheered. We actually said Uma with Harry and Gil. We were so happy.

There's alot to talk about that we can't get our thoughts so will say 2 things about. The best part in the film was the battle scence which made up for the battle in the 2nd film. Uma helping Mal was amazing. Yeah its an little rushed with character's motivation especially with Uma leaving and refusing to help Mal until deciding she needs to help Mal, it's still an good moment.

Haley : The problem I have with the fight is just like D2 where Ben gets kidnap off screen Celia is also gets kidnapped off screen and it kinda makes confusing. But the battle is still good. Especially Harry lifting up hugging Uma and spinning her around. That was an perfect moment for the two. And with that moment and Harry going back with Uma to the isle becuse he knows she needs her first mate. You would think theses two would kiss right ?

Me: (sighs) This brings up the worst part of the film. In the last film there was a lot of build up between Harry and Uma especially how Harry protected Uma from this one pirate who tried to oppose her during what's my name ? And how Uma helped Harry back on the ship when he begged her to help her and instead of going after Mal she chose to help Harry and that was my favorite between the two showing this was more to them than an henchmen and villain relationship. and it showed in this movie too. That's why we wanted to explore Uma and Harry's relationship in our version making them both broken in some kinda of way and them helping each other over come it. However Harry flirting with Jane just felt out of character for Harry. It just felt.... creepy. But here comes the worst scece that just felt like an slap in the face to not some who ships theses characters and an fan of theses character. We wanted theses characters to genuinly get together becuse there happy with each other.

Haley: The mintue Uma rejected Harry it felt like I got slapped in the face. But that's not worst part of it. In the end he gets to gather with Aurdey ! Why it made no sense ?! This relationship had alot of built in action and they didn't go through with it. Like what happend behind the scences to make the writers have second thoughts ?! I yelled at the screen Noooo ! And my aunt asked why we yelled at the screen.

Me: Instead of ranting about it further we decided to an alternative scence of how the scene should of went. And that's how will end the review so enjoy.

Our score for the film is 7/10. The movie has issues but it's diffently Improves the first 2 films no doubt.


Harry ,Uma, Evie and Doug stand together .

Harry : So she's differently taken ?

Evie: Diffently

Uma: (Gives an grin) I'm not taken

Harry looks at her with an smile before she jumps into his arms and kisses him with passion. Evie and Doug smile happy for them.

Haley : And we know what Uma and Harry did that night (Wink, wink)

Me: Haley keep it PG !

Haley: Never !

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