Ch.2 Uma ?

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It's been two months since Uma disappeared into the ocean that night. She hasn't returned to the Isle or showed up anywhere for that matter it's like the daughter of Ursula had vanished with out a trace.

It made a certain Hook boy desperate to say the least.

Harry Hook the son of Captain James Hook was searching for his Captain in the dark enchanted forest. In all honesty Harry wish he was on his search alone.

"Uma ! Sing your name if you can hear me !" Gil shouts as he walks right next to Harry.

But no answer. Harry sighs in annyounce at his friend. He wished he didn't being Gil along but the blond hair boy kept on begging him to tag along instining Uma was his friend too. Harry just caved in and let the youngest Son of Gaston to tag along, huge mistake because Gil was bugging the living hook out of Harry.

Harry covered Gil's mouth and gave him an glare.

"Gil I need you to shut your trap for the rest of trip, do you understand becauses I'm losing hope that I'll ever find Uma and you trying to sing her name isn't helping !" Harry snares at him.

"Don't worry will find her" Gil said with a sheepishly smile.

"Just keep quite while I fouces do you understand !" Harry growls at him

Gil nods nevouersely, afraid of what Harry might do to him. You see Harry hasn't been himself since Uma disappeared. Harry grew alot more angry and bitter. Even angery lashing out at people and crying uncontrollably sometimes when Uma's name was mentioned. It made Gil concerned. Harry's sister, CJ told Gil that Harry had dyed his hair black and was going through some gothic phase. Gil thought she was only joking but she wasn't Harry actually did dye his hair black. So the past 2 months have been emtional to say the least or that's how Gil viewed it at least.

It was Harry's idea to sneek on a limbo that was picking up young villian kids to Auradon and search the whole entire kingdom right down to the Enchanted forest to find Uma. Which brings us to right now where the two VK's where now searching for Uma.

Harry uses his sword to cut the tree branches away in order to past though the trees that crowed around them.

The hours grew and no sight of Uma. At this point Harry had his breaking point.

"Gah !!!!!!!" Harry shouts as he slashes a tree with his hook. Gil took a step back as he watches Harry growl angry and attacks the tree with the hook, leaving scratches on it. Hot tears stream down his face as he falls to his knees, dropping the hook to ground. Fear of never seeing Uma filled his soal.

"I never gonna see her again" Harry sobs as his hands gripping the tree.

Feeling concern and sad for his friend, Gil kneels down and places a comforting hand on Harry's back.

"Hey come on don't say that, maybe Uma will find us" Gil said trying to cheer him up.

"How she doesn't know..." Before Harry could finish that sentence he hears sounds of faint singing.

It sounded so fimilar. Harry stands up and follows the sound coming from the end of the trees. As he walks the sounds get louder and more clearer.

"My heart is pierced by cupid I disdain all glittering gold"

Harry walks more as he cuts more tree branches with his sword, determined to follow the voice.

"There is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold"

Gil hummes the tone as Harry ignores him counting to cut the branches.

"Come all you pretty fairies, Whoever you may be"

My version of Disney Descendants 3  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora