Ch. 29 Church fight

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The VK'S stand in an circle as the Metal knights near them. Harry takes out his hook as he stands in front Uma. Mal eyes darts to an wall with medevil swoards. She runs to the wall and grabs them, giving them to Jay, Carlos, Evie and Gil as Uma pulls out her frying pan.

"Let's fight !" Jay and Carols cheers.

"I'm ready !" Harry snares as he charges himself at the metal knight.

Maleficent in Audrey's body appears in the Church hallway, staff in hand.

"Metal knights take Uma and get rid of the others !" Maleficent comands.

Harry growls as he hits the metal knight with his Hook.

"You won't take her !" Harry shouts.

Mal and Evie form an circle around Uma to protect her.

"Guys fend them off ! We can't let them take Uma !" Mal shouts as she blocks an attack from an guard.

From an distance Gil looks at Evie.

"Evie if we don't make it, I have to tell you something" Gil said.

"Don't worry will get out of this !" Evie reinsures.

"Gil there is no need for that" Uma said.

"I secretly recorded Harry and Uma when they kissed in Ursula ' s fish and chip shop" Gil admits.

"Wait what ?" Uma asks supriesed.

"You did what ?!" Harry shouts angerly.

"I'm sorry it was acident !" Gil shouts.

"How was that an accident !?" Harry snares.

"Wait why did you want to tell Evie ?" Carols asks.

"Becuse she's nice" Gil said.

"Awww" Evie said with an small smile.

"Fouces on the fight !" Harry shouts.


CJ found herself running down the hallway to find Chase and teach that wannabe brat prince an less. She sees Chase fighting 2 henchmen with Jonathan behind them.

"Hey Brat prince !" CJ shouts getting his attention.

Jonathan turns around to see her. An smirk comes up on his face.

"Well isn't the Pirate runt !" Jonathan smirks as another of his men grab CJ from behind.

CJ struggles agaisnt the muscular henchmen.

"You know CJ ever since you where an little girl back on the Isle, you could never keep your hands off shine objects or stay in your place" Jonathan monologs.

"What are you getting at ?" Chase snares.

"In my defense, there weren't alot of shiny objects back on the isle" CJ comments.

"Yung thinks the pirate runt stole the orb and if that's true I'll be taking you both to him and heads up CJ he's clearly in raged" Jonathan mocks.

"What are you talking about ?! I didn't steal anything !" CJ shouts.

"Good luck telling Yung that CJ" Jonathan smirks.

CJ growls as she steps on the henchmen foot which makes him release her. She runs at Jonathan and knocks him out with one punch. Chase throws the henchmen off him.

"Thanks for coming for me" Chase said with an smile.

CJ smiles back. Then Chase hugs her. CJ felt taken back this not sure what to do. Affection was rare for CJ, she was protected but never hugged. But CJ found herself blushing.

My version of Disney Descendants 3  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें