Ch. 13 Arriving at the Enchanted forest

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After hours of driving and routating driving between Jay and Mal, the core four finnaly made it to the Enchanted forest. Mal parks the car behind a tree and gets out.

"Okay where do we start ?" Evie asks.

"I gusse we split up and search for my dad" Mal said.

"I'll go with Carlos !" Jay said.

"And I'll go with Mal" Evie said.

"Actacally Evie you go with the boys that way, while I'll go this way" Mal said.

"Mal going alone is a bad idea" Evie said.

"Well I'm full of bad ideas" Mal said sheepishly.

"Mal" Evie scowlds.

"Alright, if any of us are in trouble will call each others names" Mal said.

"Fine but we meet back here in an hour" Evie said.

"Okay I'll see you in an hour" Mal said as they go into separate directions.

Evie walks besides Carlos and Jay, her face full of worry.

"What's wrong ?" Jay asked.

"I don't think I made the right letting go off on her own" Evie said.

"It's Okay, Mal is Mal she'll be fine" Jay reinsures her.

"It's just have a bad feeling about this" Evie said.

"Go follow Mal, just to make sure she's okay" Carlos said.

Evie nods heading towards the path Mal took.


Meanwhile on the other side of the Enchanted forest,

Harry takes a deep breath as he travels across the dirt and grass. He was trying to process what Uma said to him. She said she loved him and said so sincerely. It just happend so unexpectedly that he didn't expect it. He didn't hate Uma, he felt the same thing about her but he didn't know how to express himself in that way to her. But he knew he blew it with Uma.

"Come on Harry, you just left her hanging, she probably think you hate her now" Harry growls.

How hard is it to say I'll love too ?

Harry slumps on a rock and picks up an pineapple, taking an huge bite of it, thinking how he could of handled that situation better.

"Yo Jay you know where we going ?" An voice asks.

Regonizing that voice Harry stands up and places the pineapple on the ground as he comes up behind a tree. He takes a peek from the tree. He sees Jay and Carlos walking togeather across the dirt ground.

An evil smile crosses Harry's lips as he takes out his Hook.

"Yeah I know where we're going" Jay said.

Harry suddenly jumps in front of the two, pointing his hook at the two.

"Well, well looks what we have here ?" Harry grins evilly.

"Harry ?!" Carols and Jay shout in shock.

"What are you doing in the Enchanted forest ?!" Carols asks.

"Funny, I was going to asks the same thing" Harry growls.

Jay gets an idea. An bad one but an bad one none than less.

"Hey Harry, How's CJ ?" Jay asks with a smirk.

Harry grints his teeth in anger. Harry and Jay always hated each other. But there was reason for that. You see when CJ was younger she had an idea to prank her brother. So she got Jay's help to help her with that prank. And what was the prank you may asked ? Well She and Jay flirted with each other right in front of Harry. And given how over protective Harry is over CJ and the fact CJ was very young and Jay was a couple years older than her, he got so angry at Jay. But CJ and Jay only did this as a joke, they didn't have feelings for each othet but they kept doing this prank for years to Harry becauses they thought it was to see Harry's reaction. But becauses of this Harry hated Jay as an result.

"Jay what are you doing ?" Carlos asks.

Jay ignores him.

"My, your sister is turning 15 in a couple of days I gusse that means your sister will be old enough to date" Jay smirks.

Out of anger, Harry tackles Jay to the ground. The boys began to fight on the ground, Harry trying to Hook Jay. Carols trys to stop the fighting but it was no use, all he could do was call for help.


Evie had been follow Mal for a good 30 mintues before losing sight of the purple hair girl. Now Evie was trying to find Mal or the boys.

Suddenly she hears the ocean's waves and sounds of singing. Courises Evie follows the voice of the girl. It sounded so soft but fimilar at the same time. Once she sees hints of the ocean she could tell she made it out of the Enchanted forset. But once she was on the beach she sees a person she didn't think she see again... Uma.

Uma's back was turned to Evie. The daughter of Ursula was too busy combing her hair and singing to her self to notice Evie.

Evie's eyes widen in shock before shouting...

"Uma !" Evie shouts.

Startled, Uma turns her head towards Evie, shocked to see her.

"Evie ?!" Uma asked shocked.

"Oh Hey Evie" Gil said with a dope grin as he comes behind Evie.

Startled, Evie punches Gil, not knowing it was him. Evie turns around her shocked to see Gil knocked out.

"What is wrong with you !? All he said was Hi !" Uma shouts upset.

"Oh my gosh I didn't know it was him ! I'm sorry !" Evie said frantically as she kneels down towards Gil to make sure he was okay.

Uma runs over there to check on her friend.

"Gil are you okay ?" Uma asks him.

Gil looks up at her with dizzy look. In his eyes he could see two Umas.

"Hey I didn't know you had a twin sister Uma" Gil said before falling uncouises again.

"Great he's seeing double" Uma growls as she heads to the ocean.

"I'm sorry I didn't know I thought he was someone else" Evie said.

Suddenly the Jay is thrown on to the sand, with an ouf. Then Harry jumps put from the forest and tackles Jay to the ground, pinning him to the sand. His Hook near Jay's neck.

Carlos runs towards them, shouting to make them stop.

"Harry !" Evie shrieks.

Harry looks at Evie, growling.

Cue Mal hearing all the commicane and running to the beach. Once she got there she sees none other than Uma.

"Uma !" Mal shouts.

"Mal !" Uma shouts.


Note- We wanted theses 7 to meet like this. In a big miss understanding. Me and my cousin thought it would be funny this way. Sorry if this chapter if this chapter is shorter than the last chapter.

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