Ch. 10 Admitting love at the wrong time

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Mal drives the Limbo away from the Isle, having relife of tricking Yung. Carlos felt uneasy about it.

"Guys ? You don't think will come across Uma, right ?" Carols asks.

"Well I am curious what does Yung want with Uma ? What does She have that he wants ?" Evie wonders.

"Listen guys I can care less about shrimpy, what ever Yung wants with Uma, it's her problem not ours" Mal said buntly.

"It kinda of is, if we see her Yung told us to alter him that's why he let us go, what do if we see her ? Are we really gonna alrte him" Jay asks concerned.

"Look Jay, will think of something when if and if it comes to that" Mal said.

"So where are we going now ?" Carlos asks.

"The Enchanted forest to find my Dad" Mal said determined.


"Okay close your eyes" Gil said with a smile.

"Gil ?" Harry asks with his eyes closed, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah ?" Gil asks.

"Why on Davy Jone's locker are we doing this ?" Harry asks annoyed.

Currently Uma and Harry where entranting Gil by playing closing your eyes and image what ever the person says. This was a game the three of them would play this as kids, to pass the time by. Uma and Harry where sitting next to each on log, with there eyes closed while Gil was talking. Uma seemed okay with it while Harry just seemed annoyed.

"Come on dude,we use to do this all the time when we kids" Gil said.

"Yeah when we where kids, we are in our bloody teens !" Harry snares.

"Harry it's only for a few minutes" Uma said.

"Fine" Harry huffs.

"Okay Harry imagine stars, you see them" Gil said.

Harry begins to see a memory himself, Harriet and his little sister CJ standing on the deck and looking at the stars across the sea. It's was one of the few times CJ actually spend time with them, especially Harriet and was actually happy.

"Aye" Harry replies calmly.

Gil looks at Uma.

"Now Uma Imagine the deep blue sea, the fish happily swimming around you, you see the fishy around you Uma ?" Gil asks.

Uma pictures herself form 2 months ago. She was the undersea, sitting on a rock, fish swimming around her. The feeling of loneliness comes back to her.

"Yes I'm there" Uma replies quitely.

"Now do you see the giant singing Jamaican crab ?" Gil asks, remembering when Uma was little she wanted a singing Jamaican crab.

"And it's just got stupid" Harry sighs.

Uma opens her eyes and looks at Harry, sensing he wanted a break.

"Hey Gil how about you go get some pineapples for us" Uma said.

"Okay !" Gil smiles as he runs happily away.

"Giant singing Jamaica crab ?" Harry asks Uma.

"It's something I uses to want, besides a sea pony" Uma admits, actually wishing she saw a singing Jamaican crab while she under the sea.

"That boy, why did we even let him join our gang of evil ?" Harry asks.

"Gil was my first ever friend after the falling out with Mal when I was 7" Uma said watching Gil trying to climb a pineapple tree. "Also He wanted to get away form his Dad's insults" Uma said sadly remembering Gil basically begged her to join her crew.

"I thought I was your first friend" Harry smirks.

Gil had climbed the pine apple tree.

"Well you told me I could be your first date" Uma smiles.

Gil managed to grab a pineapple but a Seagal flies on top of Gil's head and starts pecking at him.

"You know, we can still make that make that happen" Harry said playful picking Uma up.

"Shoo !" Gil shouts swatting the seagull away.

The sea seagull flies away but returns with reinforcements. All the Seagulls start pecking at Gil.

"Ahhhhhh !" Gil shouts trying to protect himself.

Uma giggles as she stares at Harry's dreaming eyes. He gentle puts her down as he gives her his flirty grin.

"Harry, I love you" Uma admits.

Harry felt shocked. There was no such thing of love on the Isle.  He just stood there trying to find the right words but he couldn't. All he could do was look at her.

After a minute of not saying, Harry looks at her.

"I-I have to gather more food from the enchanted forest" Harry said excussing himself as he leaves.

Uma watches him sadly. She wondered if it was too soon to admit she loved him. Two months of being alone,Harry is all she could think about. Then she wondered if he felt the same about her,unaware of the fact that Harry had been a complete mess with out her. Uma sighs sadly.

Gil suddenly falls the tree after lossing his grip from the tree. Uma runs let to him.

"Gil are you okay ?" Uma asks.

"I'm okay !" Gil replies before fainting.

Uma sighs as she gets more water to heal Gil.

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