Ch.18 How to sweet talk an guard

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Harriet looks at an cook book as she not so carefully cracks eggs into a bowl and stirs them in within the bowl of the batter. Then shoved the pan of cake batter into the oven and closed the it so it could bake. Currently the captain was in the ship's kitchen making a birthday cake for her little sister.

Harriet won't admit it to anyone but she felt guilty for what her father did to CJ. She never wanted to see the day when her father casted CJ out of the family but s few days ago that's what happened. Captain Hook had casted CJ out of the family and the family name. Harriet never wanted that to ever happened, in her own tuff love way she loved and cared about CJ. She would never casted CJ out of the family becauses blood was thicker than water and Harriet truly believed that.

For all the times Harriet had been harshed on CJ, she just wanted her to mature and improve. Harriet wished she protected CJ from Hook instead of just standing and watching him cast her out of the family.

Harriet sighed as she watched the cake Bake for 40 mintues. She then pulled it out. The cake was way too brown but Harriet frosted the cake with blue icing anyway and wrote Happy birthday Calista Jane with white icing.

The cake looked messy and smelled burt. But Harriet wanted to at least something for CJ since she was locked up on her birthday.

Harriet takes the cake to the room where CJ and Chase where locked up in. Harriet uses the key to unlock the door and opens it.

"Happy birthday sister" Harriet said putting on a smile but that smile into a shocked looked.

Because when she looked into that room she said the chains on the floor unlocked and her sister and Chase gone.

Harriet felt her blood boil as the cake fell out her hands. The cake splattered all over the floor.

"CJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harriet screams at the top of her lungs.


It had been 7 hours since thire escape and they where still in the row boat. The Smee twins where alseep beside CJ. Speaking of CJ she was asleep and still rowing the boat. So I gusse you can say she was sleep rowing.

Chase was help rowing the boat as he watched CJ. He could tell CJ was having a trouble sleep as she muttered in her sleep. He wanted to wake her up but Chase wanted her to rest since she's been through a lot for the past week.

For the last past 5 hours he heard her mutter her brother's name, her sister's name, her Father,Captain Jack Sparrow ,Mal, and even her mother's name.

But she wasn't just mutter people's name, she muttered about other things about being cast out of the family, or how sorry she was to her mother, or her crush,or the fact she got bullied when she was younger, or what happened to Harry or even her anger and sadness towards Mal and Harriet.

It appeared alot had been bothering poor CJ. It made Chase feel sorry for her. She just wanted to make her father proud like her siblings had but he treats her horrible instead. Chase didn't really have a great relationship with his dad ethier so he could relate. He could also relate to be getting bullied both on the Isle and in Aradon prep. He use to get bullied by Chad Charming and he would get tons of wedgies and swirls by the Gaston twins so he could relate to that as well. It also made him cringe.

He just wished they both work out thire issues so they wouldn't have to feel like thire lives are complicated. Chase knew CJ had a crush on him and he really liked her back. There was reason why he let himself get captured with CJ so he could protect her, it was the least he could do for her since she showed him the ropes of the Isle. And he appicated it ever since.

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