Chapter Twenty-one: Teenagers are Cool

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I stood in front of Evander's bathroom mirror, eyeing my reflection in satisfaction. The dress was strapless, but hugged my breasts tightly and reached down to my ankles. I brushed out my curls with my hands, and smeared on the rarely used lip gloss I kept in the bottom of my school bag.

Finally content with my appearance, I walked back into the main room. Evander was waiting patiently on his bed, but quickly got to his feet when I entered. He was wearing his new pair of jeans, which were just tight enough to hug his butt in all the right ways, and his new gray v-neck shirt. He had took a moment to style his hair in the mirror, and it hung perfectly around his eyes.

"You look breathtaking." He whispered. He took a step towards me and placed his palm against my cheek, leaning his face towards mine.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I replied breathlessly.

His faced leaned into my own, and our lips touched softly. The kiss deepened, and as we broke free, both breathing a little heavier, he leaned his forehead against my own.

"Are you ready, my lady?" He asked with a smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

The drive to Lolani's house was only ten minutes away, and soon we were pulling into her driveway. Ten cars already lined the large yard, and I parked beside Kyna's beat up white Ford Taurus.

"We're here." I said, taking in a short breath.

I wasn't nervous about the party, I had been to a few too many of Lolani's wild bashes. What I was nervous about was bringing a boy and introducing said boy to my friends.

A soft hand slipped into mine, and a squeeze followed. Evander was watching me from the passenger seat, concern evident on his face.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." I replied.

We stepped out of the car and walked across the yard. Lolani's parent's were some of the richest inhabitants of this small town. They ran a business in Vegas and frequently were out of town, leaving their only daughter to do as she wished.

The house stood three stories tall, with cobblestone used as ornament to decorate the exterior. It was truly a sight for sore eyes, and my look at Evander showed that he approved as well. I could already hear the beat of the music as we reached the first step on the porch.

The door swung open and Lolani and Kyna rushed out to meet us, stopping mid step with gaping mouths. I stifled a giggle, already expecting they would be impressed with my date.

"Lolani, Kyna -- this is my boyfriend Evander." I motioned beside me, where Evander stood with a smile on his face. His hand released mine to grasp each of the girls hands, and they quickly snapped from their stupor.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Lolani said, gripping Evander's hand a little too tightly.

Kyna grasped his hand as well, managing to nod and grin.

Jace and Finn conveniently walked out from the house, hugging both girls from behind and bringing their attention back to their own dates.

"Jace, Finn -- Meet Evander, Brenna's boyfriend." Kyna spoke back to the boys, and they both gave Evander the traditional boy handshake, which surprisingly Evander returned. Maybe our world's weren't so different after all.

"Come on in, we've got beer and pigs in a blanket!" Lolani said, already shimmying her way back to the house.

I strung my arm through Evander's as we crossed the threshold of the house. There were about thirty kids already present, and it seemed like quite a few of them had already had a few drinks.

"Do you drink beer?" I whisper-yelled to Evander over the music.

"No, but you can if you want." He replied, intimately brushing his lips against my ear as he spoke.

A shiver ran down my spine, and I pulled him further into the house, heading towards the kitchen. Lolani's kitchen was practically the same size as the whole bottom story of my house, so even though there were about ten people swaying in between the cabinets and the island, I was able to grab a single beer and a tray of snacks without being moshed.

I beckoned Evander to follow me, an lead him through the sliding glass doors that opened up to a large back yard and the awaiting fire pit.

I don't know why Lolani threw these parties, because she always managed to sneak her friends away from it and into a small social circle far from the trashy trap music and twerking. It must have been the gratification she got from being the best event planner in our high school.

"Hey, Brenna! Over here!" Kyna called.

They were sitting on the far right side of the yard atop logs surrounding a small fire. Jace and Finn had their arms around the girls, and they all seemed a little bit tipsy. The girls giggled while the boys used their arms to exaggerate whatever story they were telling.

I slowed my pace and glanced up at Evander. A small smile played on his lips, but he seemed lost in thought.

"Are you having fun?" I finally asked, giving up on trying to read his expressions.

He glance over to me and smiled.

"Actually, yes. I was just thinking about home. Thing's aren't that much different than here." He replied.

"Do you have friend's as cool as mine?" I glanced up with a sideways grin.

"Oh, I think you would be impressed in my lack of friendships." He laughed. "I have one close friend, Obec, but he's a bit skittish when it comes to the ladies." He replied, shooting me a wink.

We reached the circle and sat on an empty log, and I pushed the tray of snacks toward Evander. He grabbed one, and I took a sip of my beer.

Oh, glorious beer. There wasn't a time I ever remembered not enjoying the taste of a cold one. It had somehow imprinted on my taste buds after my freshman year spent with Lo and Kyna, and I downed the drinks like they were liquid gold.

I may drink beer, but I never got more than buzzed. I found out the hard way after a drunken trip to Kyna's beach house; dried vomit is hard to get out of curly hair. Never again, I vowed.

We soon all engaged in conversation, and the boys seemed impressed with Evander's movie reviews. They talked about scenes from the newest hit action movie, which Evander had somehow managed to watch on the outdated box TV in his hotel. I rolled my eyes as they described in detail how a car had exploded too "unrealistically."

The girls scooted closer to me, leaning in so we could talk under the boys' loud speech.

"He's so cute Brenna! How did you get so lucky?" Kyna whispered to me.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good things come to those who wait?" I suggested with a laugh.

"He's sweet! I wish you could see the way he looks at you too. Absolute adoration." Lolani added.

I smiled back at them, but before I could respond I saw something behind the girls heads. At the edge of the woods, a cloaked figure stepped out from the shadows.

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