Chapter Nine: You Drink What!?

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"What is it, Evander? What's the catch?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Well, it will frighten you, but it shouldn't. I'm truly harmless, but... that vision you had of me. That was true. I look different from how you see me now. In my world, I have red eyes and fangs. During the transition from worlds, my body conforms."

I remembered the dream, floating above his body. He did look terrifying to me, so I could understand why he would want to change his appearance a bit.

"And there's more. I drink blood."

That one caught me off guard. My eyes widened and I stared at him in disbelief. Was he going to drain my blood? And if not me, was he going to kill someone else? I cursed myself for coming so close to hitting on a vampire! Was that what he really was?

As if hearing my thoughts, he continued on, almost fumbling his words.

"But I won't drink your blood! Or anyone else. My people haven't fed on humans in over one hundred and fifty years. We breed deer and cattle, and drink their blood. We never kill them though, and I can proudly say they are cage free animals, unlike the cattle human's breed for their meat or milk."

He looked as though he was the one who was repulsed. He drinks blood. But after hearing all the other things that made him who he was, the blood drinking wasn't seeming so crazy. I looked into his eyes and saw how desperate he was for my trust. I softened my gaze, and looked up at him freely.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Not much else to know about me. The only real weakness I have is silver. It doesn't burn or anything like in your Hollywood movies, but it disables all my other abilities if I am bound by it. It's banned in my world, and only allowed to be used in the prisons."

Well, at least I had a means to stop him if he ever did try to attack me. A little silver necklace and I could take him down. A giggle escaped my lips.

"Are you immortal?" I asked.

"Not at all. I live a bit longer than humans, but not by much. I can die just as you can, and just as easily."

We talked for a bit while longer before I glanced down at my phone. It was already seven P.M., and the sun will set soon. My mother wouldn't be worried, she hadn't even sent me a text. She had probably assumed I rode by Lolani's house after school, but if I didn't leave soon, she might drill me later about where I had been.

I stood up and brushed the grass from my bum.

"I gotta get going soon... Oh. Do you even have anywhere to stay?" I asked.

"Yes, I have a hotel room. I'll be fine. But Brenna..." He trailed off, looking down. When he had looked back up again I thought I had caught a glimpse of yearning on his face. I must have just imagined it, because he straightened and gave me a small smile.

"We should really work on finding out more about your father's murder. I would like to request to meet with you again soon."

I smiled at his oddly formal request.

"Tomorrow. Same time, same place." I replied, and headed back to my car.

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