Chapter Seventeen: Girlfriend

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We were laying on Evander's bed, hand's entwined while watching the local news, when it finally donned on me that I had something to share with him as well. I shot up and grabbed my bag, rummaging through it with my hand until I grabbed hold of folded paper from earlier. I smashed the article to his chest.

"I found this today, it's where my father died." I said, clinging to hope that I still had a shot at uncovering this mystery. "I want you to come with me, you're the only one who can help me find out who did this to him."

Confusion lined his brows while he read, and when he glanced up at the paper I saw the worry already lining his face.

"Brenna, we can't just go here demanding answers from the officers. They already stated here that the motive and individual behind the crime are unknown to them." he said remorsefully.

"You don't understand. We could find this place, in the woods. You could bring out the history from the earth, like you did at the park!" My face was hopeful, but my tone was pleading.

"I don't think we should do this yet.."

"Please, Evander!" I grovelled.

"Listen, I'm not saying we shouldn't, but what if we do find the culprit? What are we going to do? Turn them in? I'm guessing it's someone from this coven, someone with much more power than us." His expression grew dark. "I will not let you be harmed."

My face fell. I knew he was right, but I couldn't just give up now. They had killed my father, basically stolen Evander's right's to his own soul, and used me in whatever evil master plan they had formed. It wasn't going to end with me "accepting" this fate. The look on Evander's face told me he knew what I was thinking.

"We can go, but not yet. There are a few things I want you to learn first." He finally said. Depending on the terms, this was a compromise I could live with.

"What do you want me to learn?" I asked, one brow raised in question.

He pulled the Book of Shadow's from the desk, flipping to a page full of runes and hand printed instructions.

"These are protection spells. True, powerful, blood witch protection spells." He put extra emphasis on the last sentence.

I gently took the book from him, scanning over the page. The chant's used were unknown to me, but the rest of the spells instructions looked easy enough. I flipped through the pages, finding more and more spells.

There were spells to protect your home, books, and personal belongings, spells that repaired injuries, and spells that temporarily caused paralysis in your enemies. Now I understood why this book had felt so powerful. It was filled with a world of magic that could be mine, and that was mine, by birthright.

As I continued studying the book, I found more sinister spells. Curse your enemy type of rituals. There was one labeled "Trap Your Enemy in Personal Hell for Eternity", and I could almost see the darkness swirling around the words on the page. I quickly back peddled to the lighter of the spells, not wanting anything to taint my psyche.

"If you learned a few of these, practiced for a bit, I think you could better protect yourself in case anything happened." Evander said after a while, making me tear my eyes from the book and back to his face.

"Couldn't you just bite them?" I asked, crinkling my nose.

I didn't really want him going all Dracula on anyone, but if that someone was responsible for my father's death, then I'd tell him to have at it. Remembering back to the dream I had had of Evander, I didn't see him as so frightening anymore. Yeah, his fangs were sharp and his eyes were blood red, but knowing his personality now... I just couldn't picture him ever hurting me.

"No, Brenna. As you can see, my teeth are perfectly blunt." He said, giving me a smile so that I could look at his perfectly white teeth.

He was so freaking cute! Ugh, I wanted nothing more at that moment than to kiss him, but as I started to lean forward, he said something that caught me off guard.

"But, I do need to drink something... Would you be really grossed out if I did that now?" He asked, giving me a questioning look.

Well, if I was going to kiss someone who consumed blood, I might as well watch him do it. I straightened up, giving him my most professional look, and curtly nodded my head.

He stood up and reached underneath the desk. Under a flap of fabric held a small older modeled mini fridge, and he grabbed a clear glass milk bottle filled with thick crimson liquid.

"Aren't you going to heat it up?" I asked, as he popped of the lid.

"These rooms aren't furnished with microwaves, and I really don't want to bring this into the hotel lobby just to heat it." He said, sloshing the liquid around in the cup.

I watched as he tentatively took a sip, and then relaxed back on the the bed. He looked like a college kid having a cold one on Saturday night, but the red stains left on the glass as he turned it up spoke otherwise.

"What does it taste like?" I asked, trying not to be rude as I stared at him take another gulp.

He looked at the dark substance and then back up to me.

"Like sex and honey swirled together." He said with a smile.

My face dropped a bit. I hadn't expected someone as gorgeous as Evander to be a virgin, but I had still hoped. I didn't want to be outdone, when or if the time finally came, by someone who was more experienced than me. He must have noticed my change of mood, because his eyes shone a little brighter in surprise of what he'd said.

"So you've, you know, done it?" I asked awkwardly.

Evander grimaced and sat his half empty blood bottle down on the desk beside us.

"Yes, but it's been a long time. I don't have a girlfriend or anything. Oh, um, unless you are my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Am I?" My eye's shined in his direction and he gave me a half grin.

"I want you to be, if you will?"

"Yes!" I said a little too loudly. Trying to play it cool, I tossed a bit of hair over my shoulder, and with a cool voice said.

"I mean, yes. Evander, I would love to be your girlfriend."

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