Chapter Eighteen: The "Talk"

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The next day flew by, and I practically skipped into art class to meet my friends.

"Whoa, who iced your cake?" Kyna said smiling.

Kyna wore a cute lilac dress today, which complimented her hazelnut skin in a way that it couldn't on me. I told her how pretty she looked as I sat down beside her.

"I'll tell you all about it when Lo gets here." I said, giving her my most genuine grin.

"I saw her sucking face with Jace at her locker, so I'm not sure how long that will take." Kyna replied, rolling her eyes as we both chuckled.

Lolani ran in right before the last bell, and we got out or sketchbooks and pretended to be Pablo Picasso.

"So, Brenna has some news for us, Lo" Kyna said, giving the other girl a knowing expression.

Lolani nearly dropped her pencil as she turned to me, mouth making a big O.

"Me and Evander kissed and he said I'm his girlfriend!" I said, finally spilling the beans. Both girls did their best fist bumps.

"I'm so happy for you." Kyna said.

They both gave me big smiles as we talked about the edited version of how it all happened. Needless to say, witch related incident's were left out.

"Can we meet him yet?" Lolani finally asked.

I thought about it for a moment, and ultimately I decided I did want my friends to meet him.

"What do you suppose we do? Double date?" I asked.

"Well, now it's time for my news! My parent's will be out of town for a few days, so Jace and I decided I should through a party Friday night!" Lolani gushed.

I wasn't sure how good of an idea that was, but it wasn't my place to tell Lolani. She would do it regardless of what I thought about it, and it was probably more of her idea than Jace's anyway. She was the most popular out of the three of us, and I was sure there would be a lot of people to show up at her almost-mansion house.

"I'll talk to Evander about it, I'm sure he will say yes." I replied as the bell rang.

I drove straight home, looking forward to the "homework" Evander had given me the previous day. I was to study the protection spells until I had them mastered. It would be a tough feat to do on my own, but I knew the basics already so I hoped I didn't struggle too badly.

Pulling into my gravel drive way, I noticed my mom waving at me from the flower garden. She was wearing a sunhat and a button down shirt, rolled up at the sleeves. She waved me over, and I hopped out of my car and headed her way.

"Hey, Mom!" I said as I stood beside her. She had successfully pulled all the weeds from the garden, so she tugged off her gloves and shoved them in the back pocket of her denim jeans. She gave me a hug and a wide smile.

"I haven't seen much of you lately, darling. How was school?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders but gave her a grin.

"It was okay," I said, quickly adding "Lolani invited me to stay over Friday night." as an after thought.

My mom nodded, and beckoned me to follow her into the house. As we got inside, she threw her hat onto the sofa and headed into the kitchen.

"Would you like to have tea with me, dear?" She asked.

Uh, oh. When mom wanted to have tea and "chat", it meant she wanted to know more about your life. She had always prided herself with being close to her children, and now that we were older, she didn't want to lose out on any of the special bonding moments she got with us.

She wanted to know more about Evander.

"Sure." I replied, following her into the kitchen.

There was no use in trying to run from my mother's prying. She was never malicious in her questioning, just persistent. If I didn't tell her something about Evander now, she would probably give him the questioning next time he came over, and I wanted to avoid that awkward moment before it happened.

"So, Evander seemed very charming," she began as she placed the tea kettle on the stove. I sat down, knowing more was to come. "Is he going to be in town for a while?" She asked.

"Yes, I think so. He's a really sweet person, and he like's Wicca." I replied, trying to persuade her of his friendliness.

"Are you sexually active, Brenna?" She asked, with one brow raised.

Wow, she sure knows how to get right to it. I tried to keep the shock off my face, but I don't think it worked. My cheeks flushed, and my mother gave a smile at my discomfort. Oh, she was probably loving this.

"Um, no, mom. But so what if I was?" I asked defensively.

She gave me a one shouldered shrug, still smiling.

"I don't care if you are, but I just want you to be prepared if you aren't yet. I know you haven't really found any boy's compatible up until this moment... so I'm just interested in Evander, and I don't want you to be hurt." She said, puckering her lips into a pout so that I wouldn't be mad.

I sighed, looking back at my mother and trying to smile for her benefit.

"No, we aren't having sex yet. But, when we do and if we do, I will be sure I am completely ready for the emotional strain it could put on me. Happy?" I replied, struggling with the urge to roll my eyes.

"I know how first times can be. It's magickal, and you think you would die for this other person." She said. Her eyes glimmered and she looked as though she was reliving a long lost memory.

Ew, I don't even want to know!

"But, I want you to shield your heart. No matter how in love you are, never let another person break your spirit."

She looked at me sternly this time, and I nodded. I knew what she was telling me was important, and I intended to listen to her advice. No matter how much I cared for Evander, dare I even say the word loved, I couldn't be completely devastated if things went an unexpected way.

He would have to leave here eventually, an go back to Lambionia. I wasn't even sure if they would let me come with him when he went, but I intended on asking him the next time I saw him.

Ready or not, I did love Evander. I'm not sure when it first began, but my attraction towards him was stronger than any man I had ever known. It wasn't just physical attraction either, every time I was near him my mind melded into his. It was like we were the same person, walking different paths, in different worlds.

What a coincidence that we would find each other in this peculiar way.

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