Chapter Five: The Stalker

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That night I dreamed of a monster. I watched as if I was floating above the earth, while he stepped out from a dark cave. At first glance he looked normal, but as I floated closer to get a better look I saw his eyes. They reflected in the night like an owl's, but that wasn't the strangest thing about them. They were the color of blood. When I was just about to scream in the dream, or pinch myself awake, the eyes changed to a blue gray color. He looked normal again, and even bent down to tie his sneakers.

I floated even closer to get a better view. His hair was black and shaggy, and his skin was flawless. He wore a white shirt with a writing on it that I didn't understand, with a gray hooded jacket and denim jeans. And he was really hot. Like, hot enough to be on the cover of those playgirl magazines (not that I had ever seen one of those), but he looked young too. He was definitely under twenty-one.

Suddenly, he looked up into my eyes- even though I was hovering a foot above his body. His mouth slowly turned up into a smile, and as he revealed his teeth, I saw two shining fangs. And that's when I screamed.

I woke up in bed with sweat pouring down my body, and my hair clinging to my face. Ugh, so not the way I wanted to wake up with morning.

Glancing at my clock on the nightstand, I pulled back the covers and headed to my bathroom. It was already eleven A.M., and I had to get ready to go over to Lolani's house today. Even with a minimal amount of sleep I had gotten last night, I was still excited to escape the house for a much needed girls day.

After I had showered, I pulled on a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top that reads "Bad Puns Are How Eye Roll", slipped on some flip flops and headed out the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Rowan asks as I pass by the living room.

"I'm going to hang out with Lo and Kyna. Will you tell mom where I am so she doesn't worry when she gets home from the shelter?"

He looks at me with a smirk and goes back to his book.

"Yeah, I guess. Tell them I said hey."

"Right." I snorted. "Bye."

Ever since freshman year both Lolani and Kyna have had major crushes on my brother. Every time they came over to my house it was was a competition as to who could get him to flirt the most. He always flirted back, but he knew his boundaries. He never once had a fling with either of them, and for that I am grateful.

I was just sliding into the worn seats of my ford focus when I saw a man across the road. He was standing beside a tree in my neighbors field, but the shade hid his features from me. There wasn't another house around here for at least two miles, and I thought maybe it could have been some farmer Joe just tending to his field. I ignored the rocks forming in my gut, turned my car in reverse, and headed to my friends house.

"I cannot believe you kissed him! I thought you said it wasn't a double date!" I exclaimed.

We were sitting on Lolani's bed, which was covered in blue and purple floral designs, while Lolani gushed about how so in love she was with Jace. It was normal for her to fall fast and hard for a boy, and it seemed like the roller coaster had begun. I glanced over at Kyna and she gave me a small eye roll and then turned to Lolani.

"Girl, you gotta start playing it cool. Just because he kissed you doesn't mean you roll over for him. Tomorrow at school, you better be playing it hard to get." Kyna added.

"But I kissed him first! He kissed me back, but what if it was a pity kiss!? Ugh, I hate myself so much right now." Lolani rolled her face into her pillow and groaned.

"Lo, you and I both know he was not pity kissing you. You are so hot and I know you know it. Not only are you hot, your smart too. All guys like the pretty smart girls." I said.

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