Chapter Twelve: Clues

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My brother stood behind my chair, glowering in Evander's direction. Evander looked just as innocently as you could expect someone of his nature to.

"Who is he, Brenna?" Rowan asked.

I glanced over at my mother, expecting her to come to my rescue, but she focused her attention at the counter as she scrubbed a rag across its surface, smirking. She must want to see this play itself out.

"Rowan, this is Evander. My, uh, friend. He's in town visiting some family."

My brother focused his gaze at me and softened. Surely he didn't want to embarrass his only sister to death. I gave him a sharp look and turned back to Evander. He was sitting rigid in his chair, looking petrified, as if my brother was some type of grim reaper. Men, I thought. I sighed and gave my brother another glance, inclining my head towards Evander.

My brother plastered a smile on his face and reached out a hand to Evander, grasping him with a little too firm of a shake.

"It's an honor to meet you, Evander. My sister doesn't bring male company over often, so I apologize for my rude behavior."

So maybe he did want to embarrass me a little, I thought. Ugh, Evander did not need to know how inexperienced I was. My mother brought over a plate of cookies, and the thickness in the air melted like butter. I grabbed a cookie and took a small nibble, noticing as Evander did the same. He didn't lie about being able to eat food, which was a good sign.

"Sorry mom, but I can't stay and chat. I have to go meet Kaycee at the movies tonight." Rowan said.

Again? I thought. This would be the third time in the last week he has met with the same girl. Was my brother smitten? I gave him a quirky smile as he kissed mom on the cheek, and then he left out the front door.

"So mom, would it be all right if I took Evander into the study? He's curious about our religion."

My mother's face blossomed.

"I think that's a wonderful idea! I didn't realize Brenna had told you about our faith! Go, take some tea and stay as long as you like." She paused in thought.

"Well, maybe there should be a curfew in effect. You can stay until ten P.M., and then Brenna can drive you home." She added, still smiling.

We agreed and made our way to the study, and I closed the door behind us. Evander had been quiet for a while now, and I let out a sigh.

"I'm really sorry about my family. They're a bit eccentric."

Evander looked down at me and smiled, then turned back to the books, running his fingers along the spines the same way I had always done.

"They're not as bad as my relatives. I rather like them.." He turned back to me, with a small frown on his face. "You're mother doesn't know about me, I'm sorry. She isn't a blood witch, just a human Wiccan."

I nodded in agreement. I had already had this realization earlier, but his words brought back my worry. Why did my father run from his world, why hide everything from the people he loved most?

Evander suddenly stopped running his fingers over the books, and bent down to the bottom shelf. He pulled out a dusty book, which was black and had a symbol stamped into the top right corner of the leather cover.

"Have you ever seen this book before, Brenna?" Evander asked, turning the cover over gently in his hands.

"No, I don't think I have. What's on the inside cover?" I asked, taking a step closer so that I was beside him, looking at the book. He opened the cover, and had to flip through a few blank pages before seeing any writing.

We both looked at each other in shock.

"Gifted to him upon initiation into The Coven of the Illuminated

Here lies the Book of Shadows belonging to:

Kane Mystle, 1997"

What the hell?

"I don't know who this is, but this was dated two years before I was born." I whispered to Evander.

I felt like my heart might beat from my chest, and quickly took a seat on the couch that was behind me.

"Keep reading, tell me if you find anything important." I said, closing my eyes and resting my head back on the couch. That book had never been in this office before, yet Evander was able to just pick it out of all the others?

I didn't understand, and I was starting to feel as if I had no control over how my life was progressing. I had not asked for this! I never wanted my dad to die, and I never wanted to go on a wild goose chase after his unknown murderer all because of a stupid message in a book. A tear crept down my cheek.

I felt the warmth beside me as Evander sat down. He was touching me then, wiping the tears from my face, but they continued to pour out. He cradled me, mumbling sweet nothings while my body shook with sobs. I buried my face in his chest, not worried about the tears or snot soaking his shirt. He was the only one who knew how I felt now.

I looked up to his face, and through my own tears I could see that his eyes were wet as well.

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