He looked at me for some seconds and then he touched my forehead asking, "Are you sick?"

I swatted his hand away shooking my head as a no, "I just overslept"

"Ohh" he said and again smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Woww, Arshu, I missed you so much" he said and chuckled.

"Or you missed your car so much" I said giving him a smirky smile.

He laughed and kept his hand at his heart, "Ah.. Busted"

I chuckled and then looked at his hand which was still wrapped in a bandage, "Is you hand okay? And how did you came here" I asked.

"Yess I guess that murder case is solved now" he said and I laughed as he referred to his hand as I did last night.

"And for you next question, I came with them" he said pointing at his back and that's when I saw Shriya and Abhishek standing near Abhay's car.

Shriya walked upto and me and a big smile came to my face and as soon as I was going to hug her Shubman came in between and I gave him an annoyed look.

"What's that? She gets a bigg goofy grin with a hug and I gets a 'what are you doing here' that too in Donald's voice" he said and Shriya started laughing while I pushed him and went towards Chia and Abhay.

"Btw I'm a girl toh mai Donald nhi ho skti but I can be daisy" I said giggling.

"Sure! Then I'll be your donald" he said smirking.

I hugged her and that's when my mom came on the door and Shubman's smile faded, "Good afternoon ma'am, I'm —" he was saying when she cut him off, "Shubman right" she asked.

"Why don't you all stay for the lunch" She asked and Shubman turned to me and I gave him 'I'll explain you later' look.

"I'd love to but right now we're here to take your daughter with us. Can I?" he asked and mom smiled, "Yess sure!" she nodded.

We all came in and Shriya immediately dragged me to my room to get ready.

"Btw hum kaha Jaa the hai?" I asked her.

"It's a double date!" she said happily.

"Really!" I asked and she nodded, "And you know what ye kiska idea tha" she asked smirking.

"It was Shub!" she said and I was shocked to hear this, "I was also shocked but more that happy to join" She said giggling.

She helped me in choosing my outfit and I immediately got ready putting on a little makeup and then both of us went down.

Shubman, Abhishek and mom were laughing at something and I a smile came to my face seeing them like this. I and Chia went to them, "What's so funny?" I asked

"Arshu I really like Shubman he's so good" Mom said smiling and I looked at Shubman who gave me a 'I'm so talented look'

We came out of the house Chia and Abhishek went to their car and I and Shubman came to his car.

"See maine kaha tha na your mom will love me once she meets me" he said smirking and I chuckled.

"So!" he asked and I looked at him "You and your mom?"

"Ahh.....long story! I'll tell you later." I said and he nodded.

"Btw white suits you" he said and winked at me while I was trying to keep my heart still.

Until I Met U💕(Completed)✅ Where stories live. Discover now