Artoria Pendragon (GAI #1)

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Artoria Pendragon: Google Autocomplete Interview

A: Hello, I'm Artoria Pendragon. I'm here to answer most searched Google questions about me. 


Who is Artoria Pendragon?

A: I am the Ruler of Camelot, King of Knights. Right now I serve Chaldea as a Saber-class servant. 

Who is Artoria Pendragon's...Master?

A: Well, my current Master is Fujimaru Ritsuka. I used to work with several Masters in previous occasions. This is why I am quite experienced when engaging in battle in my spirit form. 

Who is Artoria Pendragon's...wife?

A: I had this lovely woman named Guinevere as my wife. It was a political marriage, as a means to strengthen my position as a king. We didn't harbour any hard feelings towards each other, or ignoring each other. In fact, she's a good queen, very supportive in my decisions. Just like how the legends told, our marriage did not end well.  

Who is Artoria Pendragon's...son?

A: (stoic) Next question.

Who does Artoria love with?

A: I would rather not say it. 


What is Artoria Pendragon...favorite food?

A: Any food that is available on the menu, except junk food, or mashed potatoes. I have developed a small fear in mashed potatoes. 

What does Artoria Pendragon...use as a weapon?

A: I wield Excalibur, the Holy Sword granted by the Lady of the Lake. Before that, I had Caliburn, the Sword in the Stone. Sometimes I bring my Holy Lance, Rhongomyniad to the battlefield. 

What does Artoria in a day?

A: I eat a lot in the morning. I usually have pancake with syrup, toast with egg benedict and miso soup for breakfast. Then, I have pasta with meatball and roasted chicken in the afternoon. When I am invited for tea with Queen Marie, I would have some French cakes or chocolate fondue. At night I would eat shrimp udon with salted eggs. The Chaldea Kitchen Team does serve other marvellous food, especially with the new head chef in charge. 

What is Artoria Pendragon...hobbies?

A: My hobbies are quite simple. Sword-fighting, horse-riding, hunting, eating.

What is Artoria Pendragon's...wish for the Grail?

A: No. Nothing in particular.  


Does Artoria Gilgamesh?

A: As a King? Yes. As a person? Not really. He's tyrannical. 

Does Artoria Marvel movies?

A: Yes, I do. We started a MCU club in Chaldea, all we do is just sit down and have a viewing marathon together. I am intrigued with the idea of a group of superheroes working together to defend their homeland. It reminded me of my knights of the Roundtable. 

Does Artoria dogs?

A: I love dogs. I had a hunting dog named Cavall. 

Does Artoria Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

A: I did. It's not really my type of movie but I do enjoy the Camelot song. (hums to the melody of the song)

Does Artoria Pendragon...know how to ride a motorbike?

A: Technically driving an automobile is part of my passive riding skill. Whether it's organic beings or machine, I can control them at ease. 


How does Artoria Pendragon...produce an heir?

A: This is very awkward for me to say but...I'll try my best not to make it weird. Back in the days, it was extremely crucial for nobles to produce an heir to inherit the family's wealth or status. Since both my queen and I were women, producing an heir was an impossible task. My mentor and advisor, Merlin provided a solution to this problem, with magic involved. My body would turn into pseudo-male form, with *coughs* the asset below. This plan failed as well. 

How does Artoria Pendragon...stop aging?

A: From the moment I pick up Caliburn from the stone, my physical appearance froze. This does not affect my overall performance in politics or battle. Unless I pick my lance as my main weapon, which would explain my Lancer variation.

How does Artoria Pendragon...die?

A: Without Avalon by my side, I suffered from fatal wounds during the Battle of Camlann. Afterwards, my loyal knight, Bedivere took me to the woods and returned my sword to the Lady of the Lake. In the end, I left the world in my dreams, underneath the shady tree that reminded me of my childhood. 


Is Artoria Pendragon...related to Nero?

A: Why does everyone assume that I am related to the Emperor of Rome just because we look alike? The answer is no. We just happened to look identical.

Artoria Pendragon...Alter

A: My alter-self, my darker personality. We might have slight differences in opinions, but I acknowledge her abilities as a powerful fighter. 

Can Artoria

A: I can dance. As the King of Knights, it's a requirement to know the five types of ballroom dance and court dances. 

Is Artoria Pendragon...the best Saber?

A: I would not declare myself as the best Saber-class servant. There are many skilled swordsmen around Chaldea. Everyone has their own style and abilities. It is very subjective to say who is the best.  

Why is King Arthur...a female?

A: Many legends recorded my gender as a male. In fact, it's partially the truth. I was born as a female, to Father's disappointment. Merlin said that despite my biological sex, I have the potential to be a great King. Besides, nobody would like the idea of women being their leader and the hope of Britain. Eventually, I was raised as a boy in Sir Ector, my foster father's household. Plus, my petite appearance helped a lot. 


A: I think...people are curious about my background. There are some general and personal questions but I hope most of my answers have filled the gaps. It was fun and thank you for having me here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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