He sighed, obviously relieved, and sucked in a deep breath. “Sorry I got so worked up about that. It’s just...Cole he…I caught him making out with my girlfriend once. We were fourteen and well, it was all really weird and awkward. Apparently he didn’t know that I was dating the girl.”

     “We kind of drifted apart because of that, but then we ended up in the same highschool, so we reconciled. The bitch who cheated on me left the city, so we were alright,”

     I didn’t know what to say about that, so I just kept quiet.

     “The reason he came to stay here for a while is because his mother was driving him crazy. You see, his parents divorced years ago, so he lived with his mom all this while and to be honest, she’s pretty psychotic, so he needed a break,”

     “Apparently, his mom despises all his friends. Cole went into depression when he was younger; about 10 or 11, because he had no friends. He didn’t want to make any new ones because he was so hung up on that best friend he had before,” Jeremy continued.

     “Cole would sometimes talk about her. Her name was Ashley too. He always repeated the story about how his mother dragged him to the car and left that girl standing there by herself in the rain with a doll called Mary-Kate or something. Quite sad if you really think about it.”

     My heart rate started picking up. No way. No fucking way. I shot up and looked at Jeremy frantically with wide eyes. “What’s Cole’s full name?” I asked him hurriedly. His face contorted into confusion, and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

     “Why?” he asked, a little scared. “Just answer the goddamn fucking question!” I snapped, twisting my fingers in excitement.

     “I..er..uh…I think it’s Elliot Cole Barker. He started introducing himself as Cole because Elliot sounded to kiddy. Why did y-“ he started to say, but I cut him off by squealing and sprinting to the door.

     I galloped down the stairs like a madwoman and rushed to the living room. It’s him! It’s him! I was doing cartwheels in my head since I couldn’t do them in reality. Yes! Finally! I ran into the living room, calling for Cole.

     He was nowhere.

     I ran to his room and found the bathroom door closed. Ugh, he was probably taking a shit or having a shower or something. GAH! I needed to announce it to someone! Tyler! I told him about my past, mentioning Elliot. I could share my excitement with him!

     I turned around and brushed against Jeremy roughly, who was trying to calm me down. Yeah right. I was too riled up to even stop and breathe. I ran up the stairs, skipping some in excitement and adrenaline. “Tyler! Ty! Tylaaaaarrr!!!” I screamed all the way up.

     I could hear Jeremy running behind me, trying to catch up. I burst into his room, expecting to see him lying on his bed with his earphones in. But what I saw instead, made my breath catch up in my throat. The room was bare. All signs of Tyler’s things were gone. But why…?

     My excitement was replaced with confusion and worry. “Where...where did he go?” I asked Jeremy with wide eyes. I looked back at Jeremy and saw him staring at the floor, his face written with guilt. I could then feel anger and disbelief course through my veins. Oh hell no.

     “Jeremy, what the fuck did you do?!” I shrieked at him. His eyes snapped up to mine, and it was filled with fright, worry and disappointment. “I...I…” Jeremy stuttered.

     “Jeremy,” I said, taking a step towards him menacingly. “Where. The. Fuck. Is. Tyler?” I growled between my clenched teeth. My fury was topping the scale, and I swear I could see a little red.

Just Another Teenage OutcastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora