Chapter 17

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Chapter 17~

     I had a fucking fever. And I had a fucking fever when Jeremy was expecting a friend over; some Cole guy or something. We were expecting him anytime soon. Jeremy didn’t really describe him very well. He said that Cole usually keeps to himself a lot and is very quiet. For which I’m glad because living with two teenage boys is hard enough.

     I was curled up on the comfy couch, my head resting on Jeremy’s lap. He was running his fingers through my hair, which felt comforting. But every few minutes he’d keep asking me if I were alright. I mean, how can my fever skyrocket a couple more degrees within 3 minutes?!

     But I couldn’t bring myself to snap at him. He had been so nice to Tyler and I; letting us stay in his house for a while till we were ready enough to continue to New York. Speaking of which, Jeremy and I were talking about when I should leave.

     Jeremy seemed extremely reluctant despite my desperate persuasions that I would see him soon. He kept insisting that he came with Tyler and me to New York and back. But I knew it would cause even more havoc with both of them together.

     “I have to use the bathroom,” I mumbled, after Jeremy asked me if I was alright for the nth time. I scrambled to my feet and walked up the steps, trying to focus on where my feet were stepping. I finally slipped into the bathroom and glanced at myself in the mirror.

     I looked shitty shit. I hadn’t worn any eyeliner or mascara that day since I was sick. My damp bangs were stuck to my forehead from the sweat because of my fever. My hair was dishevelled and tangled up due to Jeremy’s constant head massages.

     My face was terribly pale, and my eyes had giant bags under my eyes. Overall, I looked sick. Really sick.

     I sighed to myself and turned the tap on, splashing some cold water on my face to cool down. Then I ran my fingers through my hair to detangle it and I brushed my teeth. After applying some eyeliner and a thin layer of mascara, I headed back down the hall.

     Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in a room. I gasped and before I could scream, a hand clamped down on my mouth. Horrified, I looked at the person and saw Tyler’s blue piercing eyes staring right into me.

     Immediately, as if someone switched on a light, a queasy butterfly-y feeling appeared in my stomach. I could feel my shoulders slump in relief. “Ashley, I need to speak with you,” Tyler whispered, sending shivers down my back.

     “Yeah well, isn’t that obvious? You practically yanked my arm out of its socket. Couldn’t you at least stop me in the hallway and talk to me like a normal human being? Seriously, I-“ Tyler cut me off by clamping his hand on my mouth again.

      “Ashley, you should really shut up sometimes. You’re seriously turning into Jeremy now, goddamnit.” Tyler murmured, smirking.

     I gave him a flat look and slyly poked my tongue out and licked his hand. He immediately sprang back in disgust and terror, glancing at his hand, then at me. “Eww! Ashley what the fuck?!” Tyler exclaimed, wiping his hand on his t-shirt.

     I chuckled and crossed my arms over my chest. “Okay so? What do you want to talk me about which is so important like you discovered Narnia or something?”

     Tyler sucked in a deep breath of air and let it out slowly, walking back to me. He reached out his hand and gently caressed my face, causing electricity to bolt through my every limb. Why must he do this to me? Why does he have this effect on me?

     I held my breath, as his face came closer to mine, finally only a few inches apart. “Ashley,” Tyler started, his face very serious and searching. “If this Cole guy does or says anything to you- anything that you don’t want to do or hear, you scream out for me and I’ll be there within a fraction of a second, you hear me?”

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