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I actually like Isaiah. Something about him seems different.  I feel like I know him already. But I also feel like I can't tell him somethings. I wanna have a relationship with him but I think he only wants to be friends.

When Raheem gave me a hug and spun me around, I had a chance to glance at Isaiah and he wasn't a bit fazed by it. See Raheem has had a crush on both me and Reigna since middle school.  We all grew up together.  We've been friends since we were in the womb. Our parents were so close that we are basically family.

Then when Reigna came and hugged me, she asked me who Isaiah was and that he was fine, just as I was about to tell her, he cleared his throat.

I wanted to introduce him as more but he beat me to it and called himself "MY FRIEND" and I guess once Reigna heard that, she was gonna snatch him, which pissed me off. She hugged him and all that shit, being friendly,  so I mugged the shit outta both of them. That's so disrespectful.

"AWWW FUCK!!!!!!!!" Noah kicked the shit out of Isaiah.  In my mind I thought it was perfect timing but I had to be a mom and teach him right from wrong.

"GET OFF OF MY AUNTIE NIGGAH,  SHE'S MINE" Noah said squeezing in between them. To be 6 Noah had a a very bright vocabulary. He get it from Raheem Crusty ass. They were still hugged up and Noah clung to Reigna's legs like he was about to lose her. WHY ARE THEY STILL HUGGED UP? UGGH I JUST CAN'T RIGHT NOW.

"OH MY GOSH, NOAH APOLOGIZE TO MR. ISAIAH THIS INSTINCE!!!!" Me and Reigna said at the same time. Sometimes we have that twin thing going on.

"He's not a  Mister Mommy,  he's our daddy" Naley said. When she said that I wanted to cry and I looked over at Isaiah to see his eyes bulging out of his head. For some reason she thinks she talk to God all the time. I dont know if I should believe her or not. But I do know its getting worse. It also hurts me to disappoint her but I had to. I got down to her level and tried to talk to her.

"Naley sweetheart,  Isaiah isn't-"

"Yes Naley, your right I am your daddy." I looked over at Isaiah trying to figure out what is he doing. He's giving her false hope. Raheen looked pissed the fuck off and Reigna looked pleased by his outburst.

"I KNEW IT!!!! GOD TOLD ME YOU WERE MY DADDY WHEN I SAW YOU WITH MOMMY!!!!" She ran to him when he opened his arms wide. Then the other 3 ran too him.

"YAY, FINALLY WE HAVE A DADDY!!!!" Noah said in excitement.

"I thought you didn't like me, you just kicked me a minute ago."

"Yeah, thats before I found out you are my daddy" They all seemed so happy I just walked away. I couldn't bare telling them the truth. They are only 6 for crying out loud.

As I walked along the water, Isaiah ran up to me.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I asked lost

"You storming off from us"

"First off I didn't storm off, I walked away. Second how could you give them false fucking hope? Who knows if you will be around long enough for them to get use to you."

"I'm not giving them false hope. Do you know how upset they would've been if you told them I wasnt? Its not about you man. Go on with that shit. I plan on staying around for a long time." I looked at him trying to figure out what was he talking about. But I came up short. Then it hit me, he might want to be with me.

"What do you mean you plan on staying around for a long time?" I asked with a slight smile.

"I mean I plan on asking Reigna out on a date when we get back" What the actual fuck? My smile instantly faded when he said that. I knew I shouldn't have got my hopes up for nothing,  this always happens.

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