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Hey guys, here you go.



" And ask you if i can sex you lady. Can we do it until we both look crazy..... All I wanna do is sex you baby. I wanna know have you had any good sex lately.

- Bando Jones- Sex You


"Aaaagh fuck man" I woke up with a massive headache. I looked around and seen that I was home in my bed. "When the hell did I get home" I thought to myself. As I tried to sit up I noticed that their was another body next to me. Who the hell is this and why the fuck are they in my bed? I got out the bed and headed to my bathroom to get some aleve and some water.

I walked back into my room and looked at the figure in my bed. Nice long hair. But I couldn't see anything else cause her back was turned. I was finna wake her ass up and tell her to get the fuck out, but as soon as she rolled over to me I instantly stopped.

Damn, she is beautiful, nice soft looking brown skin, long eyelashes, full pink lips, nice breast and the way my sheets clung to her body I can tell she had that our glass shape.

I guess she could feel me staring at her because her eyes fluttered open and she stared at me, then a smile crept on her.

"Morning Isaiah" she said sitting up

"How you know my name?" she looked at me like -_- really niggah. But shit I was curious.

"You told me your name when we left the club last night and when you brought me here?" She got up looking for her clothes and boy the view im getting is real nice. I started smiling real hard. Damn I tapped that and don't even remember it.

"Uuuuhm, can you stop looking at me with that pervert smile, you creeping me out looking like chester the molester"

"Oh shit, my bad. I mean you have a nice body and all"

"Yeah I know, you kept telling me that all last night"

"Damn forreal. Im mad I didn't remember us having sex. I know I probably explored every inch of your body" I said trying hard to remember but I came up short.

"AHAHAHAHA REALLY AHAHAHAHAHA" She is dying laughing like I said something so comical.

"Whats the hell is so funny?"

"You!!!!" She said still dying


"Yes you, you over there thinking real hard and shit. Trying to remember last night and the look on your face is so damn pricelsss. Plus you think we had sex, which we didnt." She answered after her laughing died down.

"Oh forreal. Damn" I said kinda disappointed.

"Yeah im not a hoe, I don't fuck on the first night or if I just seen you."

"Well then what happened? Oh shit did I drive here drunk is my car okay? " I practically yelled running to my window to see what my car looked like. I didn't see it so I panicked.

"Aye calm down before you hurt yourself. And no. I drove you here amd put your car in the garage. After you tried to spit yo weak ass pickup lines to me, you asked if I wanted to go home with you. I said no, you got in your feelings and said you was finna leave. And being the type of person I am, I followed you to your car, which is awesome by the way, and I drove you here. Your address was in the g.p.s.......okay okay can you please puts some damn clothes on cause I've been trying to talk to you but your kinda distracting." She said looking at me like she was hard in thought and also like she was trying to hold herself back.

I looked down and noticed I was butt-ass naked. How come I didn't see this if I went to the bathroom? I was too fixed on getting that aleve that I didn't even notice.

"Ummm, yeah, hold up." I went in my closet and threw on a pair of gym shorts and socks. I came back out and told her to continue

"Thanks, and like I was saying, you came in here and was trying to have sex with me after I told you no again, you just threw yourself on the bed and went to sleep. And as I was about to leave you but you woke up and told me to come lay with you. I was like "okay what the hell, a little cuddling wouldn't hurt" but then you was all like im sorry for pushing up on you, ive been going through a rough patch in my life for the last 4 months. I said it was okay and you told me thanks, you appreciated me for being understanding.

Damn. I did all that. I made a mental note to not get fucked up ever again.

"Okay. Im sorry for last night. Would you like something to eat? I'll cook you something" I asked trying to switch the conversation.

"WHAAAAAAAAT, a black man that doesn't kick people out his house and he offered for me to stay and cook ne breakfast." She said with her eyes stretched open in disbelief.

"Um, yeah? I mean its the least I can do after last night. Plus I wasn't raised that way. To disrespect any female, even if she is a hoe..which you aren't" I added the last part when I seen the look on her face.

"You damn skippy im not." She said leaving out the room. I followed her into the kitchen and I noticed she threw on one of my shirts. She looks damn good in it.

"What would you like me to cook?" I asked looking in my fridge. I had a lot of shit in here.

"It doesn't matter, I eat any and everything so im down for whatever" I know what else she can eat....naw let me stop thinking about that.

20 minutes later

I cooked bacon, buttermilk pancakes,cheese eggs, cheese grits, grilled sausage, hash browns. Then I watched....... ummmmm whats her name? Damn what is her name. Shit.

Well I watched mystery women squeeze these fresh ass oranges to make some crisp ass OJ. She set the table and I started to pile the food on our plates.

Once we got situated I was finna dive in until she stopped me

"Uhn un niggah, you better not touch that food without thanking god." She said with a serious face.

"Are you serious?" I asked with my stomach growling

"As a Myocardial Infarction" she said with her hand out ready for me to take it.

"Uuughh, you are just like my mom. " in said bowing my head.

"Dear god-" I blocked out what she was saying and stared at her beauty. Gosh, she is like a goddess. It makes no since how radiant someone can be in the morning.

"And I want to thank you for being able to provide this lovely breakfast that Isaiah has prepared. Amen"


After about 10 minutes of no talking, I just broke the ice.

"So whats your name?" I asked eat a piece of bacon.

"Wow, now you wanna ask. Oooh I think he likes me maybe now I can have him lick my big toe" she said with a sarcastic smile on her face

"Girl, you wish a fine ass brother like myself would lick your toes." I said laughing at her silliness.

"But no my name is A'caia"

Whoaaaaaaa, why does that name sound so familiar?........A'CAIA




Love From A ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora