Part 36 - Brittany, Eleanor and There Food Dares!

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In Space, Inside The Spaceship
In The Kitchen
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had been sleeping for around 8 hours now and it was time for them to all get up for breakfast
Theodore and Eleanor were the first to the kitchen as usual, followed by Simon and Jeanette and Alvin and Brittany arrived last
"There you both are, what took you both so long?" Asked Eleanor with sarcasm
"Well Brittany spent ages picking her clothes and she insisted that she needed to wash her hair this morning...and dry it...and styling it and..." Replied Alvin before he was cut off
"Hey! Don't blame me for everything, you spent ages in the shower this morning" Brittany jumped in
"What? No I didn't! 20 minutes isn't a long time" replied Alvin
"OK you two, stop fighting. What are you having for breakfast?" Asked Simon
"Whatever Eleanor normally has" replied Brittany
Simon and Jeanette had confused looks on their faces
"Why are you having what Eleanor normally has?" Asked Jeanette in a confused voice
"Because we made a dare yesterday and I have to eat what Eleanor eats at meal times and Eleanor has to eat what I eat at meal times" replied Brittany
"Oh right, that makes more sense now" called Jeanette
"Can we get something to eat now, I'm starving" begged Theodore
"Yeah of course you can Theodore, what do you want? I will get it for you" asked Eleanor
"Can I have a couple of slices of toast, a few sausages, a bowl of beans and an egg please" replied Theodore
Eleanor started putting the food Towelie had made, onto a plate and Brittany looked over at Alvin
"Theodore has a lot for breakfast, I hope Eleanor doesn't have as much as he does" Brittany whispered to Alvin
"She probably does, the pair of them can eat quite a lot you know" Alvin whispered back
Eleanor passed Theodore his breakfast and passed Brittany a plate with the same meal on as Theodore
"Wow, I don't know if I can eat all that sister" admitted Brittany
"Well you did agree to the dare, what do you normally have?" Asked Eleanor
Brittany gulped and said "Just a slice of toast"
"What? Are you been serious? Surely you have more for breakfast then that" said Eleanor in a surprised voice
"Nope, I'm not kidding...that's really all I have for breakfast" replied Brittany
Eleanor got her one slice of toast and sat at the table
Alvin got a couple of slices of toast and sat back next to Brittany at the table
Simon and Jeanette each got a bowl of cereal and a couple of bananas
After 10 minutes had passed, almost everyone had eaten breakfast except for Brittany
She was about halfway through her breakfast and was quite full already
"Jesus, if this is only breakfast I'm worried about the rest of today's meals. I will put some right weight on by the end of the day if I eat everything Eleanor normally does" Brittany thought to herself
"Hey Brittany, are you OK?" Asked Alvin
"Yeah I'm fine, just not used to these large portions" replied Brittany with a smile
Jeanette had nearly finished washing the pots and was just waiting for Brittany to finish
"Sorry to keep you waiting sister" called Brittany
"It's not a problem, just don't rush your food and make yourself ill" replied Jeanette
"Eleanor, aren't you having anything else to eat?" Asked Theodore in a worried voice
"No, I can't. I have to wait till lunch time now" replied Eleanor
"Are you sure your going to be fine? We don't want you to pass out" asked Simon in concern
"No, I will be fine. Thanks for asking though" replied Eleanor
Brittany had eaten almost everything on her plate and went to scrape the rest in the bin
She then passed her plate to Jeanette and Jeanette finished off the morning pots
"What do you want to do now?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure. I just need to sit down and rest really. I'm stuffed already and I have only had one meal" replied Brittany
"OK, let's go back to our room then" replied Alvin
Brittany stood up and had a stretch
Alvin gave Brittany a confused look and Brittany replied "What's wrong? I only had a quick stretch" with a giggle afterwards
"It's not something I normally see you do that's all..." Replied Alvin scratching the back of his head
"That's because I usually just have a stretch in a morning when I get out of bed. By the point you are either getting ready or are out of the bedroom" explained Brittany with another giggle
Alvin and Brittany started walking back towards their room
Once the pair of them got to the room, Alvin opened the door for Brittany and followed her inside
Brittany sat down on the bed and laid down in her back
"So is there anything you want to do?" Asked Alvin
"No I don't think so...sorry Alvin, I just feel so stuffed. I might just just lay here for a while" replied Brittany
"Oh right...OK, I will see you later then" called Alvin
"You don't have to leave Alvin, I can still talk to you. I enjoy talking to you about things" said Brittany quickly
"You can tell me a few of your jokes if you want?" Suggested Brittany
Alvin smiled at Brittany and sat down on the bed next to her
"Are you ready? This is the first one. Did you hear about the Italian chef who died? He pasta-way" said Alvin
Brittany couldn't help but smile
"Wow, that was a bad one Alvin. Even by your standards" called Brittany
"OK how about this one. I sold my vacuum the other day. All it was doing was collecting dust" said Alvin
Brittany shook her head this time
"Don't you know any jokes that are actually funny?" Joked Brittany
"Yeah, how about this one. I phoned a Chinese Restaurant last night and the man said 'Hello, I'm Wan King the chef' so I said 'No worries, I'll call back later' " called Alvin with a cheeky laugh afterwards
Brittany started laughing too and when she got chance to speak again she said "Alvin, stop! that was a rude one!"
"I know but it made you laugh didn't it" replied Alvin with a grin
Once Alvin and Brittany had stopped laughing, Brittany spoke up
"I got an idea, why don't we both sing a quick song together?" suggested Brittany
"Yeah that sounds fun, what shall we sing?" Asked Alvin
Brittany got out her phone and looked through her playlist
"How about this one?" Asked Brittany
"Yeah let's sing that" replied Alvin

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