Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV: Friday Night
Y/N: "Ladies lets go!!! Come on Mila!!! Rosie grab the money bag!!! Brynn you have the key! Get us out of here!!!" I yell at them.
M+R: "We're coming! Gosh!" They say jogging over.
Y/N: "Okay! Brynn go! Go! Go! We have to get out of here!"
B: "Y/N give me a damn second!" She says fumbling with the keys in her hand. "I'm trying to find the right one! You're stressing me out!" She says as I reach over to grab the keys because she's taking forever, but she slaps my hand away. She starts trying to put the key through the door to see which key fits. "Got it!!! It's this on! It's this one!" She says as she puts it in the key hole and starts to unlock it! We all start to get excited.
Y/N+M+R+B: "YESSSSS!!!!" We cheer as we run out of the room.
Worker: "Congratulations ladies you got everything and escaped!" He gives us high fives. "Y'all made it out of the Heist Escape Room with fifteen minutes to spare. New record!"
Y/N: "Well we would've made it out a little sooner..." I say glaring at Brynn.
B: "Sorry you were just stressing me out!" She glares back at me.
Y/N: "Sorry. I just like to win!"
M+B+R: "We know!" They say, and we all laugh as well as the worker because he's seen us here multiple times.
Worker: "Thanks for coming again ladies! Next time you'll have to try out our new escape room."
R: "Oooh what is it?"
Worker: "I'm not sure one of the new girls who creates the escape rooms, Carley, is keeping it a secret. So I don't know yet. Sorry I can't give you any hints."
M: "That's okay Y/N will definitely escape it. I don't think I can do another one with her," she laughs and I jokingly push her.
Y/N: "Whatever at least we get out of there before time runs out." I roll my eyes.
Worker: "But if y'all ever want to talk to her or find out about new escape rooms here's her card."
Y/N+M+R: "That's okay."
B: "I'll take it. Thanks." We three glance over at Brynn. "What I'm curious about it," she shrugs. "Lets go!" She says, and we all start to head outside back to the car to head back home.
Y/N: "Thank y'all for helping me get my mind off of Josh. I can't believe Tom did that. Does Tom want me to hate him more?"

Tom's POV: Friday Night
Haz: "Mate I set you up with a great date why are you complaining?"
T: "Because if she's anything like the last girl you set me up with, Carley, I will kill you. She was way to clingy, and she seemed a little obsessive which is strange because we only went out a few times."
Haz: "You are over exaggerating. You're just complaining because you can't get a date with Y/N."
T: "Ha," I scoff. "T-Th-that's not true," I stutter not even believing my own lie. Plus she won't go out with me because I've ruined the past couple of relationships she's had. I'm not sorry about it because none of those guys were right for her and treated her right.
Haz: "Yeah suurrree. Keep telling yourself that. But this girl I set you up with tonight I met at a modeling gig. She's super chill, really nice. I think you'll like her. Don't screw it up." He says leading me to the door of our apartment basically shoving me out the door. "And don't talk about Y/N okay? I don't know why you do that." I know why because that turns away all these girls that I don't want to date. I try, but the dates start off great, and I think I'll be able to push my feelings aside for Y/N, but then the thought of Y/N consumes my mind. Imagining that's she the one sitting across from me enjoying a glass of champagne talking about our hopes for the future together, but reality kicks in and she's not the one sitting across from me.
T: "No promises! See ya later mate."
Haz: "You never know, might just see you tomorrow." He says giving me a suggestive look.
T: "Oh bugger off!" I roll my eyes and head to the restaurant.
***At Restaurant***
???: "Hi! You must be Haz's fiend Tom. Yes?"
T: "Umm yes," I say being stunned by her beauty. "You must be Lilian?"
L: "Yes so nice to meet you," I stand up from the table I was seated at and hug her. I then pull out her chair for her. "Ah, Haz didn't tell me you were a gentleman."
T: "Haha thanks."
The rest of the dinner went pretty well. We actually had a lot in common. I think she could actually be the first girl that could make me lose feelings for Y/N and that's really hard. Ever since I laid eyes on Y/N, I knew that she was the one. She was just my type: driven, stubborn, intelligent, caring but firm, honest, funny, of course beautiful, etc, etc. But this is the first time I have the chance of escaping my feeling for Y/N, and it feels so weird to think like that. I was then snapped back to reality.
L: "Tom?!" She snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I realize I've fallen back into my habit.
T: "Huh? Oh sorry umm just umm thinking about an audition I have coming up." I lie. Technically it has been on my mind, so not a full lie, but currently on my mind, no.
L: "Ooh that's cool for what role?"
T: "Well they are making a new James Bond movie, so I'm auditioning for the role of James Bond. I've always loved those movies." I smile.
L: "I love those movies. That would be such an amazing experience to be in one of those movies. You're gonna do great I know. Haz has been telling me how hard you've been rehearsing, but I didn't know why for."
T: "Yep that's all I've been doing for a while now, but I'm really excited about it." We talk some more, and I then take her home. "I had a good time tonight," I say as we stand outside her door.
L: "Really? I'm surprised," she says, and I give her a puzzled look. "Haz says your a tough one to impress, so I feel honored," she lays her hand on her chest.
T: "Yes I really did. I promise I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. This is the first date I've enjoyed in a while, so thank you." In this next moment I knew that this was the moment where I would or wouldn't escape my feelings for Y/N. I slowly lean in and give her a sweet short kiss on the lips. Her cheeks blush as I pulled away. "I'll talk to you later. Goodnight." Maybe I am starting to escape my feeling for Y/N. Well, if only I didn't just imagine that Lilian's face was Y/N's. "Come on Tom!" I say to myself and slap my face. "You have to move on. She's never gonna like you! She never has! If only there was something that would bring us together."

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