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This may come off as really bad news, and I'll explain what's going on.

I've just recently graduated in June, meaning, I'm no longer a high school student. If you guys have been with me when I was a much smaller writer (Pretty much when you knew me in my middle school years), you must've been wondering what happened to me and why I suddenly dissapeared.

The thing is, life. Life kind of distracted me, and at some point, I was starting to go straight to rock bottom, and I did have several bad thoughts throughout the years. I love writing, but what I love even more is drawing, and I really wished that I would persue that, with my writing and drawing skills, I can become a story maker. However, I'm not a very ambitious person, and my confidence has been ripped and destroyed basically in my second grade year in elementary.

Other than that, Asian Parents. Well, my dad is an islander, but he tends to fit the stereotypical "Asian parents" thing where they're extremely unsupportive with the art and writing community and don't think it's professional at all. My mom is even a little embarrassed to tell her sisters that I want to persue art.

So yeah, a lot of shit has been going on, which is slowly worsening my own mental health, and I have talked to councilor about it before I graduated. I even discussed the situation with my dad, but nothing really changed... I still live with my parents, and they are pressuring me into going into college or medical school, despite being uninterested.

Due to these personal issues of mine, I fully decided I'll completely discontinue this, and the other rest of my stories, except for, Sinful Desires. That story has went through so many reboots through the years, and with it being the longest story I've been intrested in, I want to focus on that instead. And at least finish one story... m But, this time, I'll put it up when I feel entirely ready and all my issues have been resolved.

Now for TFS... Yeah. It's discontinued. For now, I guess? My girlfriend and I are apparently doing a roleplay, and somehow creating a story out of it, quite similar to this story. So who knows... TFS may come back at some point in the years, and maybe even better.

Anyways, thanks for understanding, and I hope you guys have a good day.
This won't be the last of me.
~Aquarii Star

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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