Chapter X

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Cassidy sat on a seat near the counter of the shop, while Joyce was freaking out in the other side. Yvette, was also joining her daughter, raising her hand in the air with a big toothless smile. The girl raised an eyebrow at them, and Ken runs his fingers through his hair.

"I- It's really not the time to be cheering- but, I don't think parents and grandparents shouldn't act like that. . . Well, you know, after finding out their granddaughter or daughter is. . ." She coughed, "A Zodiac."

Ken sighed, "These two crazy women are major freaks for the Zodiac legend. They had the suspicions that Yvonne could be one of them, but they don't have any proof. But. . ." He looked at Cassidy, narrowing his eyes, "What is your proof that my daughter is Sagittarius?"

"You wouldn't believe me since I don't know much of the legend, but I have been told to look for a mark." She replied.

"A mark?"

"Yes, an unnoticed one. . . When I was with Vonne, I asked to look at her hand."

"And she just gave it to you so casually?"

"Yes. . . Yes she did." Cassidy leaned back, "Showing me her hands, I looked very carefully to see a Sagittarius symbol right away. Now here's the interesting part; She said she had that mark for years. . . She wanted to tell your wife about it, but. . ." Then she pointed to the older female, who was jumping up and down, "She didn't want her to act like that for a woman her age."

Ken chuckled and placed his elbow on the counter. "You see, kid, I love the legend. Truth be told, I didn't think the reincarnation part would be real. . . I was in denial when my wife told me our constellation was missing after Yvonne was born, but. . . Now that I know she is Sagittarius, it kind of blows a parents mind, you know?"

"Ha, yeah. . . I'm pretty sure it does."

"So how about you? You look younger than my girl, and yet you came here with that. . . Master of yours?" He was referring to Coal, though he couldn't remember his name.


"You seem to be doing things for him! Plus, he told me you're the one who keeps saving him since you met at the fountain in Suqaria."

"Oh. . . Well, he's not my master. . . Just a friend."

"Huh, I see. Then again, how about you?" Ken leaned closer, "How did your parents react when they found out you were a Zodiac?"

". . ." Cassidy was absolutely stunned as he asked the question. Sitting silence for a while, she looked away from him and shook her head. "I ran away from an orphanage. I don't have any parents."

Ken's eyes grew wide and he backed up. "Oh," his voice was low, "I'm so sorry, I . . . I didn't know."

"No, no. . . It's okay. I never really liked my mom anyways."

Ken was about to apologize again until three loud bangs were heard on the door. This startled everyone in the room, and Joyce frowned.

Walking to the door, she said, "Everyone in the kingdom should be inside right now. Did the guards not clear this area?" Since Noleon was under attack, Centaur and Aires had to force their citizens into their homes for safety. Turning the knob, she opened the door, "Sorry, but we're closed-"

Celesta fell limp on the ground, Dylan's weight crushing her on top. Joyce gasped, "Oh my stars!"

"Celesta?! Dylan?!" Cassidy sprung up when she noticed that the two teens looked familiar to her. She quickly rushed over, and pulled Dylan off the younger girl. Seeing their pale and weak complexion, she was truly terrified.

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