chapter fifteen; bring it on bitch

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   Torryn puckered her lips as she finished applying her apple-colored lipstick

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   Torryn puckered her lips as she finished applying her apple-colored lipstick. Winking at herself in the mirror of her locker, Torryn easily drowned out the noise coming from the other twenty-three girls around her.

   It was currently game night for Memorial High meaning the school's football team was going to war with the local high school in the city next to Jasper. This also meant that it was performance night for the cheerleading team. For the two hours that the game was scheduled to go on, it was the cheerleader's job to rally on the crowd and football team as they played.

   Alike to always, the girls had been in the locker rooms for the past two hours, all of them doing their makeup and hair until it was perfect, chatting and gossiping as they hyped each other up. Multiple discarded energy drink cans sat around the room along with palettes of makeup and random items of clothing.

   Everyone on the cheer team was required to wear identical uniforms; a red Memorial High half-top shirt with an alarmingly short skirt and pristine white tennis shoes, as well as their hair and makeup completely cognate.

   Torryn tightened her glaring blue bow in a high-ponytail, smiling at herself in the mirror once she was finished. The girl always did like how she looked after she was all prepped and ready in her cheerleading uniform; in other words, Torryn Wilde looked incredibly sexy wearing the outfit.

   Considering Torryn and Sierra were the only two redheads on the team, the two tended to stick out more than the others.

   "Girl, I wish I had your abs." Emma playfully teased as she smacked Torryn's butt while walking past the teen.

   Rolling her eyes in an equally as playful manner, Torryn turned to Emma who was now hopping around as she put on her left shoe. "Dude, you literally have better abs than I do." Torryn laughed while smacking the girl's butt in retaliation as she walked past, making her way toward Sierra who was helping another girl with her eyeliner.

   Her ponytail swung as she walked, Torryn smashing her body against the lockers next to Sierra as she smiled at her along with the girl getting her eyeliner done; Annie. Sierra hummed in greeting while Annie chirped a preppy "hello" causing Torryn to wave at her teammate.

   Torryn had been spending so much time at the base that she almost forgot how close she truly was with the team. While she used to hang with them every weekend she now found that she only ever saw them at practice and in the hallways passing. Most of the girls were considered "jocks" and "popular girls" not that Torryn much cared as after sweating for so many practices together she simply saw them as distant friends. Though, when Torryn happened to go partying on a weekend, she could always count that at least half the cheer team would be there.

   Many of the girls were dating some of the football players while others chose to simply be "buddies" with multiple guys on the team.

   "Can I have a sip of that?" Torryn questioned Annie who was holding a Monster energy drink in one hand.

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