chapter eleven; the human factor

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   "Honestly daddy, my abilities are fine

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"Honestly daddy, my abilities are fine. It's how it always has been since I was put on Buspirone, one vision maybe every other night and that's all. No, levitation or any other weird things." Torryn promised on a Sunday morning as she ate spoonfuls of cereal.

The redhead had been able to sleep until a late eleven o'clock as she was not bombarded with a vision the previous night; something she was very much thankful for. Of course, after she bumped her dosage of Buspirone up by a pill, it was expected the first few weeks that her visions would come very rarely as her body was still getting used to the higher dosage.

"Are you sure?" Torryn blinked as her father's voice came through the Bluetooth of the house, the father and daughter finally speaking to each other for the first time in an entire week.

Gulping down another spoonful of her breakfast, Torryn nodded her head even though she knew her father was unable to see her. Though they had spoken, the two had not seen each other for almost two months. "Yeah, besides, I just bumped the dosage up by a pill, I won't be bombarded by visons for while."

Scott Wilde sighed in a stressed manner at the news, the man pinching the bridge of his nose from his place in his hotel room halfway across the world. "That bad, huh?"

Scott did not want his daughter bumping up dosages of Buspirone as he was well-aware of how addicting it had become for her, but at the same time if her powers were beginning to act out what choice did she have? Sure, Scott worked as an agent for the military and had informed them of his daughter's particular situation, but there was nothing the military could do to help unless Scott allowed them to run multiple tests on her. That would mean that Torryn essentially had to live at a military base, and Scott knew that Torryn wouldn't want that.

There was another option that did not involve Buspirone or the military, an option that Scott tended to talk about quite a bit with Torryn, but Torryn always refused.

Kavemen Academy was a boarding school for young people with "certain" abilities. It was a special institute only known by the government (as they helped protect and fund it) and the people with their own "talents". The school was meant to help train those with abilities beyond that of which was normal.

In complete honesty, Torryn considered it as more of a Wayward home for young folks.

Of course, the headmaster of Kavemen Academy; a man by the name of Daren Travers, had reached out to Scott time after time about Torryn's potential enrollment. The headmaster believed with the correct training and education, Torryn would be able to succeed peacefully in life; and Scott understood this, he really did. However, every time he brought the subject up to Torryn herself, Torryn was not in.

Torryn already hated the fact that she was "different", she did not want to be surrounded by a freakshow so she could be reminded every day about how truly "weird" she was. Therefore, the last thing she wanted was to attend the secretive Kavemen Academy where she would be forced to use her abilities as well as interact with others with oddities themselves. Besides, the aspect of needing to share a room and not to mention the closet size was not appealing in the slightest. Nope, Torryn was fine attending normal school with her friends.

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