chapter fourteen; bath time

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     Torryn did not wake up on her own accord. No, the teen was dragged out of her peaceful sleep by the annoying repetitive sound of beeping. Grumbling, Torryn drowsily buried her head underneath her pillow, forcefully pressing the ends of the pillow to her ears as if to drown out the noise.

Unfortunately, this process did not work as, despite the noise being muffled, it was still there. Torryn nearly screamed in frustration, was it so hard for her to just get a little sleep? Besides, last time she remembered she did not live in the big city or a neighborhood for the matter; therefore, she should not have even heard the slightest noise coming from outside of her home.

.....That thought had Torryn shooting up faster than the blink of an eye, her mind kicked into overdrive. No one should know where her house was, who the hell was outside?

It took a second for the girl's memories to catch up with her, the redhead groaning when she recalled giving up her address the previous day. Was she really so tired she just had to give up her only means of privacy?

The constant honking seemed to answer her question, Torryn sighing while blowing an unruly piece of hair out of her face. She definitely had a bad case of bedhead.

Honk, honk, honk, HONK!

Shaking her head, Torryn was betting she knew exactly who it was that was outside her house. Only one person–or mech–had that much energy. Moving her comforter out of the way, Torryn slipped out of bed, her loose pajamas swaying as she made her way through her dark room (courtesy of her blackout curtains) stopping just in front of her window. Hesitantly, Torryn peeked outside, her guess being correct at the sight of Smokescreen sitting in all his race car glory on her large driveway.

Rolling her eyes, Torryn left the window while clapping her hands. "Alexa, turn on my bedroom lights." She called, her automated servant immediately switching on her bedroom lights.

Grabbing her frilly pink night robe, Torryn shoved her arms through the sleeves, tying the silky belt around her waist. Now that Smokescreen was aware of where she lived, he would no doubt be outside her house most of the time when she was home. She would need to allow him to recharge in the garage, and if she calculated correctly, her ceiling should have been high enough to allow Smokescreen to just stand up in bipedal mode.

With a tired yawn, Torryn was quick to put on her matching pink slippers before leaving her room and racing her way through her large home down the stairs and to the front door. Grasping the knob of the front doors, Torryn dramatically opened the double doors allowing the bright Nevada sunlight to filter within.

"Thank you for waking me up!" She sarcastically screamed, not worried about anyone hearing her.

Closing the doors behind her, Torryn walked through her front archway storming toward the loud mech on her driveway. With no shame, Smokescreen quickly transformed into his bipedal mode knowing there would be no one around for miles.

After Smokescreen had been informed of everything that happened and learning of Torryn's address, he raced through the ground-bridge and sat guard outside her house all night with the intentions of making sure she was okay for himself the next day. Oddly enough, sitting outside all night reminded him of his days of guarding Alpha Trion in the Iacon Halls of Records.

Finally, he could not wait any longer and opted to just wake her up so he could see her for himself.

Torryn screeched in surprise when her guardian took a giant step closer to her and then laid on his stomach so he was eye-level with her. Stumbling back, Torryn let out another yell of shock when Smokescreen brought up a large digit and began examining her body thoroughly.

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