chapter ten; starbucks life

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   While it was true that Torryn was no super genius like Raf, she was clever

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While it was true that Torryn was no super genius like Raf, she was clever. Of course, the girl was known for failing almost all of her high school classes, but it was far deeper than that. Torryn Wilde failed most of the public school's classes out of pure amusement for herself. However, she was no fool as to think that failing the classes would do her any good in life.

Therefore, while during the day she failed nearly all her classes at Memorial High, she was also taking a special course of classes through the late nights and early mornings which she was acing. Because of this, her transcript for the public schools she had attended would not show up but rather her transcript for the online courses she was taking.

Thankfully, it was Saturday afternoon and Torryn had neither Memorial High nor any work for her online courses to be done. However, after waking up just after four in the morning and getting smashed beyond belief, Torryn was now sluggishly lying around the Autobot base much alike to a zombie.

Even though it was Saturday, Torryn had still driven to the school where she left her car and met up with Smokescreen. The mech was still trying (more like begging) Torryn to give up her address, but Torryn was not willing.

Especially after that current morning when her actions proved just how fatal it could be if Smokescreen did as the other Autobot guardians did and sat outside her home throughout the night. For one, he would have known that she spent the entirety of her morning drunk as a hammer; and two, he would also pick up on the fact that she was addicted to Buspirone.

Now, Smokescreen may have been new to Earth but he would realize that what Torryn was doing was not good. And Torryn did not want to have to put her guardian through that.

Anyway, after she and Smokescreen had arrived back at the base: Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bee were all waiting for the young mech's presence. As it would turn out a potential energon mine had been spotted and the team was beginning to run low on the stuff. The team needed the mission to end with success as with their current resources they would not last two more than weeks without more energon.

Smokescreen was excited as other than when he first arrived, this would be his first real mission with everyone. Torryn; despite her slight nerves since Miko had taken it upon herself to explain to her how horrid the Decepticons were, wished Smokescreen the best of luck and made him promise to stay safe.

Though the humans had all missed it, the entire team had noticed the way Smokescreen's face tinged blue at the way his charge fretted over his well-being.

   Once they were gone leaving Ratchet in charge of the base, the humans had taken to the human comfort zone playing a racing video game.

Miko, Raf, and Jack were all taking turns while Torryn sat curled at the other end of the couch falling asleep. She was suffering from a mild hangover, her head pounding as she attempted to go to sleep through the shouts of her friends who were beginning to get competitive over the game.

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