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leather dreams | chapter thirty two

leather dreams | chapter thirty two___

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"Be careful out there."

Nat and Steve stared at Rosalie's face, holding her arms in theirs before guiding her to the rest of the group. They were all getting ready for battle, T'Challa allowing them to use as many of their weapons as they wanted to.

Rosalie had grabbed a couple of knives and a bow and arrow, hiding the smaller objects on her waist and strapping the bow to her back. She looked like a true fighter, prepared to hold her ground against her enemies.

Nat turned back to the quinjet-like carrier that would be taking them to the actual battlefield, somewhere far away from the population in order to prevent a bigger mess from happening.

Several carriers hovered over the ground with Wakandan soldiers. Those were riding in front of their carrier, where Nat, Steve, Rosalie and Bucky stood on board. Rhodey and Sam kept pace overhead, and Bruce was in the armour given to him by Tony himself.

"How are we looking, Bruce?" Nat asked from her spot in the air.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it." Bruce jogged along, keeping up with the carriers, and looking utterly delighted. "Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-"

He stumbled on a rock, and a carrier went by, from which he received dubious looks. He stood and warned everyone that he was alright.

A voice came in soon after, alerting everyone inside the different carriers. Nat inched forward with Rosalie and they both looked down at Rhodey, who spoke in a slightly wavering voice.

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line."

The carrier pilots swerved into U-turns, causing their craft to tilt and allowing the practiced soldiers to slide over one side into a run, never coming to a complete halt. A commander shouted a command nearby as the last Wakandans joined ranks.

The soldiers were being rallied with war chants, stopping as the king neared them and stood by the two front warriors.

T'Challa clasped wrists with the man, both speaking with solemn looks on their faces. Their words were muffled by the horrendous cries of the creatures hitting the security shield, placed strategically around the city.

Rosalie stood in between Nat and Steve, her hands grasping her knives as tightly as she could. Despite the reassurance that her powers gave her, she was scared. She had never faced such a large army of opponents, nor did she know their strengths and weaknesses. She would be throwing herself in a fight she didn't know if she could win, but she was surely going to give it her best.

leather dreams |p. parker ✔Where stories live. Discover now